Adelaida Bantov
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsAdelaida did her High School graduation. Current occupation is Clerical/White Collar. Adelaida celebrated 88th birthday on May 29. 1486 30th Avnue, SF, CA 94122-3204 is where Adelaida lives. We know that Adelaida L Bantov, Adele Bantov, and three other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. (415) 661-1858 (Pacific Bell) is used to contact Adelaida. Four persons, including Alexander Bantov, Adele Bantov, Vitaly Bantov, Adelaida L Bantov, listed the phone number (415) 661-1858 as their own, various documents indicated
- 1486 30th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122
- County: San Francisco County
- Neighborhood: Sunset District
- FIPS: 60750327003001
- Possible connections via main address - Adelaida L Bantov, Adele Bantov
- Latitude, Longitude: 37.7596092, -122.4884322
- (415) 661-1858
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Alexander Bantov, Adele Bantov, Vitaly Bantov, Adelaida L Bantov
Adelaida has a degree at associate level. The occupation currently listed is Clerical/White Collar. Adelaida is a resident of 1486 30th Avnue, SF, CA 94122-3204. This address is also associated with the name of Adelaida L Bantov, Adele Bantov, and three other individuals. The only phone number that Adelaida owns is (415) 661-1858 (Pacific Bell). Various documents link the phone number (415) 661-1858 to different owners — Alexander Bantov, Adele Bantov, Vitaly Bantov, Adelaida L Bantov
- 1486 30th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122
- County: San Francisco County
- Neighborhood: Sunset District
- FIPS: 60750327003001
- Possible connections via main address - Adelaida L Bantov, Adele Bantov
- Latitude, Longitude: 37.7596092, -122.4884322
- (415) 661-1858
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Alexander Bantov, Adele Bantov, Vitaly Bantov, Adelaida L Bantov