Alexandria Streeter
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 resultsAlexandria's birth date was listed as 1994-11-18. Alexandria’s age is about 30. Alexandria’s current address is 1635 Virginia Str, Gary, IN 46407-2361. Juanita Alexander is the other person linked to this address. The address history of Alexandria can be traced back to 12041 S Lowe Ave, Chicago, IL 60628. Previously, Alexandria lived in Chicago, IL and Gary, IN
- 1635 Virginia St, Gary, IN 46407
- County: Lake County
- FIPS: 180890116001038
- Possible connections via main address - Juanita Alexander
- Latitude, Longitude: 41.5862597, -87.3295192
- 12041 S Lowe Ave, Chicago, IL 60628
11.18.94 is the birth date of Alexandria. Alexandria is sixty years old. Alexandria Streeter, Alexandra Streeter, Alexandri Streeter, Streeter Alexandri are instances of the alternative name for Alexandria. 4357 Delaware Strt, Gary, IN 46409-2236 is where Alexandria resides. Shumpert Levi is another person who is linked to this address
- 4357 Delaware St, Gary, IN 46409
- Single Family, Attached Garage, 200 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, One bathroom
- Lot Size - 6,098 sqft, Floor Size - 1,300 sqft
- Parcel ID# 450827376011000004
- Last Sale Apr 2017 - Price $500
- County: Lake County
- FIPS: 180890126003020
- Possible connections via main address - Shumpert Levi
- Latitude, Longitude: 41.539236, -87.331078
Alexandria was born on 1991-03-2. The age of Alexandria is thirty-three. Alternative name, for example, Alexandria Streeter, Alexandra Streeter could be used by Alexandria. Residents of 621 Southeast 168th Aven, Vancouver, WA 98684 include Alexandria. There’s evidence of nine companies enrolled at the same address: Korean Baptist Church, Sbc and Fischer Contracting LLC, etc. This address is also associated with the name of Daniel J Glidden, Maile A Moniz, and 109 other individuals. Alexandria’s previous address is 206 NE 126th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98684
- 621 SE 168th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98684
- County: Clark County
- Neighborhood: Bennington
- FIPS: 530110413204012
- Possible connections via main address - Daniel J Glidden, Maile A Moniz
- Latitude, Longitude: 45.6176673, -122.4974238
- 11328 NE 51st Cir #R211, Vancouver, WA 98682
- 621 SE 168th Ave #43, Vancouver, WA 98684
- 11900 NE 18th St #463, Vancouver, WA 98684
- 206 NE 126th Ave #C35, Vancouver, WA 98684
- 206 NE 126th Ave #35, Vancouver, WA 98684
The birth date was listed as 1985-02-15. Alexandria’s age is about 39. Alexandria can also be referred to using alternative name, like Alexandria L Streeter, Alexandri L Streeter, Alexandri A Streeter, Alexandria Streeter. Alexandria’s current address is 120 Dahlgren Avenu, Portsmouth, VA 23702. This address is also associated with the name of Josephine E Huntley, Yvonne P Epps, and sixteen other individuals. Alexandria has (757) 961-3014 (Cox Virginia Telcom, Inc), (757) 394-2147 (Telcove Of Virginia, LLCCox Virginia Telcom, Inc) as phone numbers. There is a chance that the phone number (757) 485-4945 is shared by Ethel Louise Streeter, Cecilia Ellison. To get in touch with Alexandria, send a message to one of their email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- 120 Dahlgren Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23702
- Neighborhood: Cradock
- FIPS: 517402123002023
- Possible connections via main address - Josephine E Huntley, Yvonne P Epps
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.7966678, -76.3123908
- (757) 961-3014, (757) 394-2147, (757) 470-2911, (757) 394-2417, (757) 485-4945
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Ethel Louise Streeter, Cecilia Ellison
- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- Possible connections via mails - Ethel Louise Streeter
She is in her fifties. Alexandria has reached the age of fifty-seven years. Alex G Streeter, Alexandria Streeter, Alexandria Gilbert, Alexandri A Streeter, Alexander Gilbert, Alex Streeter, Gilbert Alexander, Alex G Strecter, Alexandria Steeter are substitutes that Alexandria can choose to use. 143 Southmoor Circ, Oxford, AL 36203-3731 is where Alexandria lives. Tyrone S Streeter is another individual associated with this address. Alexandria used to live at 279 Jackson Trace Cir, Talladega, AL 35160. Birmingham, AL and Oxford, AL are just two of the three cities where Alexandria has lived. Alexandria is potentially known by Keith L Gaytreal, Michael E Elston and two other people due to residence history. There are phone numbers listed for Alexandria: (256) 832-3903 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC), (256) 315-9930. Four persons, including Tyrone Streeter, Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Samr Atallah, listed the phone number (256) 832-3903 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (256) 315-9930 is also used by Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Tommy Challender, Eric Trammell. Public records show that the phone number (256) 831-7161 is linked to Rodney B Jackson SR, Michael Earl Jackson. P.O. Box 279, Talladega, AL 35161-0279 are the P.O. box name
- 143 Southmoor Cir, Oxford, AL 36203
- County: Talladega County
- FIPS: 11210101011065
- Possible connections via main address - Tyrone S Streeter
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.5726945, -85.8294107
- 7278 Cahaba Valley Rd, Birmingham, AL 35242
- 143 Moore St, Oxford, AL 36203
- 390 Saddleridge Rd, Talladega, AL 35160
- 279 Jackson Trace Cir #68, Talladega, AL 35160
- 279 Jackson Trace Cir #63, Talladega, AL 35160
- Possible connections via historical records - Michael E Elston
- (256) 832-3903, (256) 315-9930, (256) 831-7161
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Tyrone Streeter, Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Samr Atallah, Tommy Challender, Eric Trammell, Rodney B Jackson SR, Michael Earl Jackson
- Po Box 299, Talladega, AL 35161-0299
- Po Box 279, Talladega, AL 35161-0279
Alexandria is a high school alum. 1967-07-27 is her birth date. The current age of Alexandria is 57. Alexandria is currently living at 143 Southmoore Circl, Oxford, AL 36203-3731. Tyrone Streeter is linked to this address as well. Alexandria has (256) 832-3903 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC), (256) 315-9930 as phone numbers. Public records show that the phone number (256) 832-3903 is linked to Tyrone Streeter, Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Samr Atallah. Various documents link the phone number (256) 315-9930 to different owners — Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Tommy Challender, Eric Trammell
- 143 Southmoore Cir, Oxford, AL 36203
- County: Talladega County
- FIPS: 11210101011065
- Possible connections via main address - Tyrone Streeter
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.57235, -85.829205
- (256) 832-3903, (256) 315-9930
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Tyrone Streeter, Alexandria Streeter, Tyrone S Streeter, Samr Atallah, Tommy Challender, Eric Trammell
Alexandria’s residency is at 1347 Wool Avn, Portsmouth, VA 23707-3515. The people linked with this address are Aileen Brown and Aaron Miller. The only phone number that Alexandria owns is (757) 289-0156 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC)
- 1347 Wool Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23707
- Residential, Attached Garage, 300 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, One bathroom
- Lot Size - 0.26 acres, Floor Size - 1,125 sqft
- Parcel ID# 01970540
- Neighborhood: Midtown
- FIPS: 517402114001003
- Middle School: William E Waters Middle
- High School: Ic Norcom
- Possible connections via main address - Aaron Miller
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.833391, -76.335226
- (757) 289-0156
Alexandria is a resident of 11937 South Lowe Av, Chgo, IL 60628-5909. The name of the people who are also linked with this address are Marquita A Graham and Pamela D Nemo
- 11937 S Lowe Ave, Chicago, IL 60628
- Single Family, Detached Garage, 1 space
- Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
- Lot Size - 3,875 sqft, Floor Size - 1,826 sqft
- Parcel ID# 2528103017
- Last Sale Sep 2014 - Price $60,000
- County: Cook County
- Neighborhood: West Pullman
- FIPS: 170315305011043
- Possible connections via main address - Marquita A Graham, Pamela D Nemo
- Latitude, Longitude: 41.6768006, -87.6380885