Alice Slomski
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsThe birth date was listed as 11.16.52. Alice is sixty years old. Examples of the alternative name of Alice are Alice Slomski, A Slomski. 28 Entrance Avn, Avella, PA 15312 is where Alice lives. Mary M Slomski is another individual linked to this address. Records show that Alice also lived at 524 Rebecca Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. Avella, PA and Monroeville, PA are just two of the four cities where Alice has lived. There’s evidence that a minimum of two other people lived with Alice at the past addresses, such as Mary M Slomski, Mary M Slomski. Alice owns the following phone numbers: (412) 856-6454 (Verizon Pennsylvania, Inc), (412) 243-7047. The phone number (412) 243-7047 is also used by Carol A Wilhelm, Mary M Slomski, Diana L Wilhelm. Public records show that the phone number (412) 298-6993 is linked to Mary M Slomski, Jennifer L Goff
- 28 Entrance Ave, Avella, PA 15312
- Single Family, Attached Garage, 300 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms
- Lot Size - 7,736 sqft, Floor Size - 910 sqft
- Parcel ID# 3700030200002400
- County: Washington County
- FIPS: 421257210003005
- Possible connections via main address - Mary M Slomski
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.2801453, -80.4668165
- 10643 Rte 119 Hwy N, Marion Center, PA 15759
- 2300 Belmont Blvd #102, Monroeville, PA 15146
- 524 Rebecca Ave #F, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
- Possible connections via historical records - Mary M Slomski
- (412) 856-6454, (412) 243-7047, (412) 298-6993
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Mary M Slomski, Carol A Wilhelm, Diana L Wilhelm, Jennifer L Goff
Alice is a high school graduate. Currently, the listed occupation is Craftsman/Blue Collar. The residency of Alice is at 2322 Geneva Str, Racine, WI 53402-4516. Eight persons linked to this address. Their name are Dan Slagell, Paul J Slo, and six others. One phone number is associated with Alice: (262) 634-2144 (Ameritech Wisconsin). Paulj J Slomski, Paul J Slo, Richard R Slomski, Paul J Slomski were identified as possible owners of the phone number (262) 634-2144
- 2322 Geneva St, Racine, WI 53402
- County: Racine County
- FIPS: 551010013013003
- Possible connections via main address - Dan Slagell, Paul J Slo
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.7502179, -87.794742
- (262) 634-2144
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Paulj J Slomski, Paul J Slo, Richard R Slomski, Paul J Slomski
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Alice Slomski . The last name Slomski is often misspelled as Slonski, Von Slomski, Itf, Gloriaslone, Slomski Slomski
- Alice Slone
- Alice Vonslomski
- Alice Ton
- Alice Gunderson
- Alice Markus
- Alice Hatton
- Alice Conrad
- Alice Ruthe
- Alice Woods
- Alice Lucas
- Alice Stone
- Alice Smith
- Alice Holman
- Alice Sloan
- Alice Ramsey
- Alice Bernard
- Alice Hooks
- Alice Von
- Alice Eubank
- Alice Hoops