He was born on 1983-01-1. Anthony’s age is about 41. Anthony’s current address is 5553 Crown Boulv, Denver, CO 80239-3703. Carl Deonte Briggs, Laura Childress, and nine other persons are also associated with this address. Anthony has phone numbers (303) 371-3184 (Qwest Corp), (303) 307-4283. Four persons, including Joe Trigg, Delcie Mae Seward, Ken Whitehair, Karnard Jordan, listed the phone number (303) 371-3184 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (303) 307-4283 is also used by Maria Treto, Jesus D Treto, Ellie Mcconkey, Antonio V Gallardo, Ashley Vanessa Padillaflores. You can contact Anthony by sending an email to [email protected]
Main Address
5553 Crown Blvd, Denver, CO 80239
Single Family
Four bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 8,000 sqft, Floor Size - 1,183 sqft
Parcel ID# 0018213009000
Last Sale Jul 2008 - Price $63,000
County: Denver County
Neighborhood: Montbello
FIPS: 80310083052009
Possible connections via main address - Laura Childress
Latitude, Longitude: 39.7957899, -104.820777
(303) 371-3184, (303) 307-4283
Possible connections via phone numbers - Joe Trigg, Delcie Mae Seward, Ken Whitehair, Karnard Jordan, Maria Treto, Jesus D Treto, Ellie Mcconkey, Antonio V Gallardo, Ashley Vanessa Padillaflores
The birth date was listed as June 1, 1982. Anthony got 42. Anthony is a resident at 6383 Upham Strt, Arvada, CO 80003-4829. This address is also associated with the name of Mary Frederick, Timothy Henrickson, and six other individuals. The only phone number that Anthony owns is (720) 238-2576 (T-mobile Usa, Inc)
Main Address
6383 Upham St, Arvada, CO 80003
Single Family, Attached Garage, 1 space, 240 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 9,147 sqft, Floor Size - 1,335 sqft
Parcel ID# 3911107002
County: Jefferson County
Neighborhood: Lamar Heights Area
FIPS: 80590102123006
Possible connections via main address - Mary Frederick, Timothy Henrickson
Latitude, Longitude: 39.8124619, -105.078695
(720) 238-2576
Possible connections via phone numbers - Amanda A Marin
His birth date was listed as 1975-10-30. The current age of Anthony is 49. Anthony can use different name, such as Anthony R Navarette, Anthony Navarrette, Anthony R Navrretta. Anthony is currently living at 4745 Delaina Drv NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144. This address is also associated with Heather D Navarrette and Christopher Vigil. Records show that Anthony also lived at 1106 Calle Madera, Bernalillo, NM 87004. Anthony has the experience of living in two different cities: Rio Rancho, NM and Bernalillo, NM. There’s evidence that a minimum of one other people lived with Anthony at the past addresses, such as Heather D Navarrette. Anthony owns the following phone numbers: (505) 507-2486 (T-mobile Usa, Inc), (505) 896-9549 (Qwest Corp.T-mobile Usa, Inc). Various documents link the phone number (505) 896-9549 to different owners — Gabriel Moss, Stacy Moss. There is a chance that the phone number (505) 891-2057 is shared by Shirley Rankin, Heather D Navarrette, Shirley A Witt. Manuel Rodriguez, Tony C Rodriguez, Enedina Rodriguez were identified as possible owners of the phone number (505) 867-3963. P.O. Box 1361, Bernalillo, NM 87004-1361 are possible PO boxes for this person
Possible connections via phone numbers - Heather D Navarrette, Gabriel Moss, Stacy Moss, Shirley Rankin, Shirley A Witt, Manuel Rodriguez, Tony C Rodriguez, Enedina Rodriguez
The birth date was listed as February 9, 1975. Anthony got 49. Anthony is a resident of 10730 SW 124th Rd, Miami, FL. This address is also linked to Martha Maria Dela Fe Rodriguez and Mercedes Paulino
Main Address
10730 SW 124th Rd, Miami, FL 33186
County: Miami-Dade County
FIPS: 120860192003019
Possible connections via main address - Mercedes Paulino
04.30.69 is the birth date of Anthony. Anthony turned 55 years old. Anthony Navarrette, Anthony Navarratte, Anthony D Navarratte, Amelia Navarrette, Anthony D Navarrette, Tony D Navarrette, Anthony Navarrete can be used as one of the alternative name for Anthony. 12225 Claremont Avn NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112-2004 is where Anthony lives. This address is also linked to Anthony Navarette and Armando G Navarette. 4522 SE Lincoln St, Portland, OR 97215 is where Anthony used to live back in the day. Anthony has been a resident of seven cities, including Corvallis, OR and Woodbridge, VA. We assume that at least five people including Armando D Navarrette, Amelia D Navarrette, Julie R Campbell may know Anthony based on this residence history. Anthony has phone numbers (505) 298-6720 (Qwest Corp), (505) 489-2458 (Leap Wireless Intl, IncQwest Corp). Three persons, including Armando D Navarrette JR, Armando G Navarette, Amelia D Navarrette, listed the phone number (505) 298-6720 as their own, various documents indicated. Public records show that the phone number (505) 836-3928 is linked to Gerald Maestas, Richard M Barranca, Sally A Garcia, Tiana T Navarrette. Various documents link the phone number (505) 804-4249 to different owners — Armando D Navarrette JR, Anthony Navarette, Armando G Navarette. Jennie C Lucero, Amelia D Navarrette were identified as possible owners of the phone number (505) 323-4302. Five persons, including Mildred M Corley, Gerald A Corley, Gerry A Corley, Amelia D Navarrette, Sherri R Corley, listed the phone number (505) 298-2129 as their own, various documents indicated. Various documents link the phone number (303) 447-8033 to different owners — James Norman Brown, Anna S Bryan, Diana Hefner Alu. Anthony may use two P.O. boxes: P.O. Box 699, Quantico, VA 22134-0699
Presently, Manager is the listed occupation. His birth date was listed as November 30, 1965. Anthony is fifty-nine years old. Different name can be used by Anthony, such as Anthony M Mavarrette, Anthony M Navarrette, Anthony M Navarrette SR, A Navarrette, A Mckinley, Anthony Michael Navarrette, Anthony Mavarrette, Navarrette A Mckinley, Anthony Navarrette SR, Andrea Navarrette SR, Anthony Navarette SR. Anthony is a resident at 1039 North Cain Strt, Visalia, CA 93292-3935. Two other people are associated with this address: Jennifer J Cadena and Cadena Nelson. Anthony has previously lived at 550 Battery St, San Francisco, CA 94111. Visalia, CA and San Francisco, CA belong to the six cities where Anthony has lived. We assume that at least twenty-one people, including Amy Olsen, James Hartley Mckinley, Corinna Marie Slade, know Anthony based on the residence history. Records show that Anthony has several phone numbers, (415) 871-6058 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (209) 627-5930 (O1 Communications, IncSprint Spectrum LP). There is a chance that the phone number (559) 732-5709 is shared by Dean Demorris Myles, Helen G Torres, Jess Torres, Corinna Marie Slade, Corinna M Slade, Beatriz Torres. Andrea L Navarrette, Gregg Alexander were identified as possible owners of the phone number (510) 894-4193. Three persons, including Kathy Ann Kessel, Andrea L Navarrette, Kathy Kesser, listed the phone number (978) 745-1495 as their own, various documents indicated. Anthony currently has eight potential email addresses, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Main Address
1039 N Cain St, Visalia, CA 93292
Single Family, Carport, 1 space
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Floor Size - 1,457 sqft
Parcel ID# 098164012000
County: Tulare County
FIPS: 61070013022008
Possible connections via main address - Cadena Nelson
Latitude, Longitude: 36.338944, -119.27498
Historical Addresses
845 Mowry Ave #138, Fremont, CA 94536
4601 S Balsam Way #511, Littleton, CO 80123
4601 S Balsam Way #WA511, Littleton, CO 80123
39415 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538
845 Mowry Ave #119, Fremont, CA 94536
5340 Case Ave #612, Pleasanton, CA 94566
190 Bridge St #3106, Salem, MA 01970
155 Jackson St #1001, San Francisco, CA 94111
1010 Bush St, San Francisco, CA 94109
550 Battery St #1707, San Francisco, CA 94111
Possible connections via historical records - Corinna M Slade
Navy Credit Union Trades is the line of work presently. Anthony celebrated 62nd birthday on June 10. Anthony is currently living at 91-1002 Hokuwekiu Str, Kapolei, HI 96707-3021. Desiree R Navarrette and Val R Sison are the persons who are associated with this address. There are phone numbers listed for Anthony: (540) 335-9052 (Sprint Spectrum LP Va), (808) 674-9768 (Hawaiian Telcom, IncSprint Spectrum LP Va). Public records show that the phone number (540) 335-9052 is linked to Nancy D Mumaw, Nancy C Mumaw. Various documents link the phone number (808) 674-9768 to different owners — Desiree R Navarrette, Angelo B Canionero, Deana C Canionero, Princella Canionero. Anthony’s possible email addresses are [email protected], [email protected]
Anthony's birth date was listed as 01.01.62. Anthony is a sixty-two-year-old. Anthony N Navaretta and other name can be used as alternatives for Anthony. 358 Antelope Circl SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123-3518 is where Anthony lives. The name of the people who are also linked with this address are Brent Conner and Carol L Ronquillo. Anthony used to live at 1708 Towner Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. Anthony is potentially known by Leonila Pinon and one other people due to residence history. There are phone numbers listed for Anthony: (505) 291-1559 (Qwest Corp), (505) 242-9574. Two persons, including Carol Ronquillo, Carol L Ronquillo, listed the phone number (505) 291-1559 as their own, various documents indicated
Main Address
358 Antelope Cir SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
County: Bernalillo County
Neighborhood: Four Hills Mhp
FIPS: 350010007132001
Possible connections via main address - Brent Conner, Carol L Ronquillo
Latitude, Longitude: 35.0679624, -106.5145067
Historical Addresses
1501 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
4003 Katrina Dr SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121
4304 Ruger Rd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121
4517 Grande Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
1516 59th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87105
1708 Towner Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
Possible connections via historical records - Leonila Pinon
June 1, 1925 is Anthony's birth date. Anthony is a resident at 38225 North 16th Str, Phoenix, AZ 85086. Five persons linked to this address. Their name are Debbie B Navarrette, Kyle E Navarrette, and three others. Records show that Anthony has several phone numbers, (623) 203-2010 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (623) 444-4794 (Teleport Communications America, LLCNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC). The phone number (623) 203-2010 is also used by Debbie B Navarrette, Kyle E Navarrette. Public records show that the phone number (623) 444-4794 is linked to Kyle E Navarrette, Ashley E Navarrette, Debbie B Navarrette. Anthony has an email address you can use to get in touch with them: [email protected]
Main Address
38225 N 16th St, Phoenix, AZ 85086
Single Family, Detached Garage, 2 spaces
Three bedrooms, Three bathrooms
Lot Size - 2 acres, Floor Size - 2,320 sqft
Parcel ID# 21120131J
Last Sale May 2016 - Price $289,900
County: Maricopa County
FIPS: 40136107004017
School District: 097 - Deer Valley Unified District
Middle School: Desert Mountain Middle
High School: Boulder Creek High Anthem
Possible connections via main address - Debbie B Navarrette, Kyle E Navarrette
Anthony is a resident of 1002 Durrett Avn, Dumas, TX 79029-5125. There’s one more person with links to the same address, by the name of Joe E Crutcher. (806) 935-5876 (Valor Telecommunications of Texas, LLC) is the only phone number Anthony has. Various documents link the phone number (806) 935-5876 to different owners — Ingrid A Torkelsen, Anthony Joseph Navarette, Dolores Marie Montoya, Herman A Montoya
Main Address
1002 Durrett Ave, Dumas, TX 79029
Single Family, Attached Garage, 528 sqft garage
Lot Size - 0.26 acres, Floor Size - 1,752 sqft
Parcel ID# 300000010004900000000
County: Moore County
FIPS: 483419504002010
Possible connections via main address - Joe E Crutcher
Anthony now resides at 2023 Coral Reef Rd, Pensacola, FL. We know that Eric G Alvarez, Joseph Faller, and four other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame
Main Address
2023 Coral Reef Rd, Pensacola, FL 32506
Single Family, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 420 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 9,147 sqft, Floor Size - 1,550 sqft
Parcel ID# 053S312600006005
Last Sale Apr 2014 - Price $115,000
County: Escambia County
Neighborhood: Coral Creek Two
FIPS: 120330026051013
Middle School: Jim Bailey
High School: Escambia
Possible connections via main address - Joseph Faller
Anthony’s current address is 5802 Crestford Drv, Corpus Christi, TX 78415-3811. James Diross, Molly M Garcia, and three other persons are also associated with this address. Records link one phone number with Anthony’s details: (850) 384-1051 (Cellco Partnership)
Main Address
5802 Crestford Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Residential, Garage
Four bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 6,699 sqft, Floor Size - 1,481 sqft
Parcel ID# 197100080200
Last Sale Mar 2018
County: Nueces County
Neighborhood: South Side
FIPS: 483550023044013
School District: Corpus Christi Isd
Middle School: Browne
High School: Carroll
Possible connections via main address - James Diross, Molly M Garcia
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name.
To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Anthony Navarrette . The surname Navarrette is often incorrectly written as Navarete, Navarrate, Naverrete, Nabarrete, Mavarrete, Nauarrete, O'navarrete, Navarrte, Avarrete, Naverrette, Nazarrete, Naverette, Nabarrette, Navarreta, Navarett, Navarratte