Bernard Tester
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsThe birth date was listed as 26-07-1942. Bernard has reached sixty years of age. Bernie C Tester, Bernard Tester, Bernard C Tester, C Bernard are instances of the alternative name for Bernard. Bernard lives at 30160 Olinda Tr, Lindstrom, MN 55045 at present. Market Resources and New Millennium Property Investment Company Inc are some of the name of the six companies we know about registered at this address. This address is also associated with the name of Barbara Anderson, Ned E Delk, and 103 other individuals. Before, Bernard lived at 475 Old Hwy 8 SW, New Brighton, MN 55112. Bernard has lived in three different cities, two of which are New Brighton, MN and Moorhead, MN. By studying historical data, it can be assumed that there are five people who know Bernard, two of which are Keith M Hill, Ryan Howe, Robin Lee Way. Bernard’s contact numbers are (651) 213-3243 (Citizens Telecommunications Co Mnfrontier Citizens Commn), (651) 631-1438 (Qwest Corp.Citizens Telecommunications Co Mnfrontier Citizens Commn). Beverly A Tester, Krista Dostal were identified as possible owners of the phone number (651) 213-3243. Two persons, including Carrie Freeland, Beverly A Tester, listed the phone number (651) 631-1438 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (763) 458-4038 is also used by Laura F Clausen, Tracy K Lord. There is a chance that the phone number (612) 631-1438 is shared by Carrie Freeland, Beverly A Tester
- 30160 Olinda Trail, Lindstrom, MN 55045
- County: Chisago County
- FIPS: 270251105012134
- Possible connections via main address - Ned E Delk
- Latitude, Longitude: 45.384602, -92.842953
- 851 8th Ave NW, New Brighton, MN 55112
- 851 8th Ave NW, New Brighton, MN 55112
- 1002 18 1/2 St S, Moorhead, MN 56560
- 475 Old Hwy 8 SW, New Brighton, MN 55112
- Possible connections via historical records - Jamie F Nordstrom
- (651) 213-3243, (651) 631-1438, (763) 458-4038, (952) 631-1438, (218) 236-5675, (612) 631-1438
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Beverly A Tester, Krista Dostal, Carrie Freeland, Laura F Clausen, Tracy K Lord
He was born on 05.01.22. Bernard can use Bernard Tester as an alternative name. Bernard currently resides at 2311 Moran Str, Burlington, NC 27215-6359. This address is also associated with the name of Ruby Ward Tester, Alfred L Whitlow, and two other individuals. Bernard owns the following phone numbers: (919) 227-9665 (Madison River Communications, LLC), (336) 227-9665 (BellSouth Telecommunications, LLCMadison River Communications, LLC)
- 2311 Moran St, Burlington, NC 27215
- County: Alamance County
- FIPS: 370010207024004
- Possible connections via main address - Ruby Ward Tester, Alfred L Whitlow
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.069081, -79.4514559
- (919) 227-9665, (336) 227-9665
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Ruby Ward Tester
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Bernard Tester . Here are the most common misspellings for Tester: Pester, Testor, Teaster, Fester, Teter, Testerjr, Testerman, Tefter, O'tester
- Bernard Ester
- Bernard Teeter
- Bernard Jester
- Bernard Lester
- Bernard Testa
- Bernard Chester
- Bernard Smith
- Bernard Hester
- Bernard Kester
- Bernard Johnson
- Bernard Trester
- Bernard Miller
- Bernard Tesler
- Bernard Brown
- Bernard Teater
- Bernard Jones