Bina Pliskin
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsThe birth date was listed as 1956-08-3. The age of Bina is sixty-eight. Bina’s current address is 1109 Broadway, Somerville, MA. This address is also associated with the name of Sara Ciaburri, Elizabeth Rademaker, and seventeen other individuals. Bina’s phone number is (617) 629-4870 (Verizon New England, Inc)
- 1109 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02144
- County: Middlesex County
- Neighborhood: Tufts
- FIPS: 250173506002006
- Possible connections via main address - Sara Ciaburri, Elizabeth Rademaker
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.403086, -71.126222
- (617) 629-4870
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Bina Pliskin
Bina’s current address is 1105 Broadway, Somerville, MA. We assume that Brittany Alexander and Corinne Diggins were among seven dwellers or residents at this place. (617) 629-4870 (Verizon New England, Inc) is Bina's sole phone number
- 1105 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02144
- County: Middlesex County
- Neighborhood: Tufts
- FIPS: 250173506002006
- Possible connections via main address - Brittany Alexander, Corinne Diggins
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.403016, -71.126064
- (617) 629-4870
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Bina Pliskin
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Bina Pliskin . The surname Pliskin is often incorrectly written as Pyakurel, Bier, Colter, Dempseyborton, Lindstrom, Schempf, Dempsey, Tollan, Cath, Lindstrom Hatch, Borton, Volpe, Tolan, Jlong, Hatch, Doyle, Long, Shcwarz, Clements, Gardield, Field, Jeff, Clementspliskin, Pliski
- Bina Garfield