Cheryl Pritula
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsProfessional/Technical is Cheryl’s field of work. Her birth date was listed as 1952-04-30. The current age of Cheryl is 72. Cheryl’s current address is 39113 Donald Strt, Livonia, MI 48154-4766. April M Pritula, Kyle William Pritula, and two other persons spent some time in this place. Records show that Cheryl also lived at 13041 Hemingway, Redford Charter Twp, MI 48239. Previously, Cheryl lived in Livonia, MI and Redford Charter Township, MI. Cheryl owns the following phone numbers: (734) 464-0651 (Ameritech Michigan), (734) 432-4672. Two persons, including April M Pritula, William G Pritula, listed the phone number (734) 464-0651 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (734) 432-4672 is also used by William G Pritula, April M Pritula
- 39113 Donald St, Livonia, MI 48154
- County: Wayne County
- FIPS: 261635577004014
- Possible connections via main address - April M Pritula, Kyle William Pritula
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.389497, -83.428292
- 13041 Hemingway, Redford Charter Twp, MI 48239
- (734) 464-0651, (734) 432-4672, (734) 776-1829
- Possible connections via phone numbers - April M Pritula, William G Pritula, Troy Morris
Cheryl’s residency is at 6450 Westwood Str, Detroit, MI 48228-4902. This address is also associated with the name of Karl K Baker, Tina Marie Lelo, and two other individuals. The only phone number that Cheryl owns is (313) 982-1103 (Ameritech Michigan). The phone number (313) 982-1103 is also used by Kristine Bell, Doris G Harris
- 6450 Westwood St, Detroit, MI 48228
- Single Family, Off street, Attached Garage, 1 space, 280 sqft garage
- One bedroom, One bathroom
- Lot Size - 4,269 sqft, Floor Size - 567 sqft
- Parcel ID# 22089165
- County: Wayne County
- Neighborhood: Warrendale
- FIPS: 261635458002003
- Possible connections via main address - Tina Marie Lelo
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.338091, -83.2298519
- (313) 982-1103
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Kristine Bell, Doris G Harris
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Cheryl Pritula . Dritula, Mastriantonio, Massiontonio, Masciantonio, Masciantio, Kristofer, Pritala, Pirtula, Lily, Telsco, Dianee are possible typos for Pritula
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