Claget Patridge
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results03.21.74 is the birth date of Claget. Claget turned 50 years old. Claget currently resides at 6405 Chevas Circ, Knoxville, TN 37918-9119. Another person associated with this address is Carol Patridge. Claget can be reached at (865) 748-7797 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC)
- 6405 Chevas Cir, Knoxville, TN 37918
- County: Knox County
- FIPS: 470930062032004
- Possible connections via main address - Carol Patridge
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.06985, -83.8999599
- (865) 748-7797
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Carol Patridge
118 Leatherwood Wy, Jefferson City, TN 37760-3977 is where Claget resides. Claget owns the following phone numbers: (865) 471-0649 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC), (865) 363-5851 (United States Cellular Corp.Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC)
- 118 Leatherwood Way, Jefferson City, TN 37760
- Mobile / Manufactured
- Floor Size - 768 sqft
- Parcel ID# 02403207002
- County: Jefferson County
- FIPS: 470890706002027
- Possible connections via main address -
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.107694, -83.464554
- (865) 471-0649, (865) 363-5851
- Possible connections via phone numbers - William Wesley Ross JR, Melissa Weatherspoon
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Claget Patridge . Here are the most common misspellings for Patridge: Partridge, Partidge, Partrige, Partridg, Partiridge, Partirdge, Jones, Johnson, Lee, Ward, Adams, Partrigde, Patrick, Smith, Partride, Dartridge, Wood, Pattridge, Miller, Turner, Mclinn, John, Conner, Potridge, Turville