The birth date was listed as 1995-08-7. Clara’s age is about 29. One alternative to Clara is Clara Benavides. Clara is currently living at 5007 43rd Str, Lubbock, TX 79414-3036. Another individual associated with this address is Matraca Janelle Penner. Clara’s previous address is 1919 Allendale Rd, Big Spring, TX 79720. Clara has lived in two cities: Lubbock, TX and Big Spring, TX. Clara’s phone numbers are (432) 889-7129 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (432) 559-3175 (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLCSprint Spectrum LP). Various documents link the phone number (432) 559-3175 to different owners — Roy S Celaya, Dalia C Benavides, Raul C Benavides, Linda K Celaya, Samantha Celaya. There is a chance that the phone number (432) 978-5770 is shared by Dalia C Benavides, Jonathan Benavides. Dalia C Benavides, Raul C Benavides were identified as possible owners of the phone number (432) 520-5409
Main Address
5007 43rd St, Lubbock, TX 79414
Townhouse, 252 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, One bathroom
Lot Size - 8,507 sqft, Floor Size - 1,118 sqft
Parcel ID# R74784
County: Lubbock County
Neighborhood: Stubbs-Stewart
FIPS: 483030018013018
School District: Lubbock Isd
Middle School: Smylie Wilson
High School: Coronado
Possible connections via main address - Matraca Janelle Penner
The birth date was listed as September 26, 1988. Clara got 36. It’s also possible to call Clara by other name, such as Clara B Chacontorres, Torres Clara B Chacon, Clara B Chacon, Clara B Benabides, Clara B Chacon-Torres, Clara Benavides, Clara Chacon and similar adaptations. The residency of Clara is at 491 East Palfrey Strt, San Antonio, TX 78223-3345. Seven persons linked to this address. Their name are Estella Franco, Estella Torres Garcia, and five others. Before, Clara lived at 6300 Rue Marilyn St, San Antonio, TX 78238. Clara’s contact numbers are (210) 620-8425 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (210) 748-5593. Three persons, including Eustolio Benavides, Alejandro Benavides, Adrian Benavides, listed the phone number (210) 748-5593 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (210) 667-3693 is also used by Cathy L Martinez, Jose Herrera
Main Address
491 E Palfrey St, San Antonio, TX 78223
Single Family, Carport, Attached Garage, 4 spaces, 400 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms
Lot Size - 8,146 sqft, Floor Size - 1,236 sqft
Parcel ID# 108240130210
County: Bexar County
Neighborhood: East Side
FIPS: 480291414042008
Possible connections via main address - Estella Torres Garcia
Possible connections via phone numbers - Lance Sterling Gordon, Eustolio Benavides, Alejandro Benavides, Adrian Benavides, Cathy L Martinez, Jose Herrera, Johnny M Torres, Lydia A Salinas
Her birth date was listed as 24-07-1977. 47 is Clara's age. Clara now resides at 305 North Wanda Drv, Fullerton, CA 92833-2647. This address has Hector A Benavides and Zeferina L Benavides associated with it also. Records link the following phone numbers with Clara’s details: (714) 471-3621 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (714) 879-3167 (Pacific BellSprint Spectrum LP). Various documents link the phone number (714) 471-3621 to different owners — Hector A Benavides, Zeferina L Benavides. There is a chance that the phone number (714) 879-3167 is shared by Hector A Benavides, Zeferina L Benavides
Main Address
305 N Wanda Dr, Fullerton, CA 92833
Single Family, Attached Garage, 1 space, 220 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 6,000 sqft, Floor Size - 1,423 sqft
Parcel ID# 03032303
County: Orange County
FIPS: 60590110006005
Possible connections via main address - Hector A Benavides, Zeferina L Benavides
Latitude, Longitude: 33.872342, -117.956413
(714) 471-3621, (714) 879-3167
Possible connections via phone numbers - Hector A Benavides, Zeferina L Benavides
May 23, 1971 is her birth date. Clara’s age is fifty-three. Clara can go by other name, such as Clara Benavides, Clara Castro, Clara Virginia Castro, Clara Benavidescastro, Clara Castr, Clara V Benauides, Clara V Castro, Clara Benaviedes, Clara V Benavides, Castro Clara Benaviedes, Clara Binavides. The residency of Clara is at 241 Prospect Avenu, Bayonne, NJ 07002-4719. George Castro, Jorge Emestica, and eight other persons are connected to this place. Clara has included 66 Avenue C, New York, NY 10009 in their address history. Clara has lived in New York, NY and Bayonne, NJ in the past. Assuming from the residence history, at least nine people including George Castro, Caroline Jamieson, George Castro know Clara. (201) 243-9877 (Verizon New Jersey, Inc), (917) 756-6869 (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLCVerizon New Jersey, Inc) are phone numbers that belong to Clara. Public records show that the phone number (770) 693-0294 is linked to Randy Sensing, Stanley Rose, Phyllis Smith, Millie Belle Stanley, Richard Smith, Mitchell R Ayers. There is a chance that the phone number (212) 989-0919 is shared by Keith S Bunnell, Keith R Stout, Jose L Benavides. The email address to contact Clara is [email protected]
Main Address
241 Prospect Ave, Bayonne, NJ 07002
Single Family
Lot Size - 3,498 sqft, Floor Size - 2,834 sqft
Parcel ID# 0100410000000011
Last Sale Aug 2006 - Price $249,000
County: Hudson County
Neighborhood: Constable Hook
FIPS: 340170108003000
Possible connections via main address - Jorge Emestica
Latitude, Longitude: 40.668469, -74.1098899
Historical Addresses
170 Avenue C #16D, New York, NY 10009
66 Avenue A #5C, New York, NY 10009
239 Prospect Ave #241, Bayonne, NJ 07002
66 Avenue A, New York, NY 10009
427 W 17th St, New York, NY 10011
66 Avenue C #5C, New York, NY 10009
Possible connections via historical records - George Castro
Possible connections via phone numbers - Maria I Benavides, George Castro, Randy Sensing, Stanley Rose, Phyllis Smith, Millie Belle Stanley, Richard Smith, Mitchell R Ayers, Evelyn Morales, Keith S Bunnell, Keith R Stout, Jose L Benavides
Clara will celebrate 59th birthday on December 23. Clara can use different name, such as Clara Cervantez, Clara Cervantes, Clara Cergantez, Clara Benavidez. 777 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX is where Clara resides. Records show that Clara also lived at 883 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX 78017. Garland, TX and Dilley, TX are the two cities where Clara lived. There’s evidence that a minimum of one other people lived with Clara at the past addresses, such as Benito Valenzuela. Clara owns the following phone numbers: (830) 333-8347 (Stx Wireless License, LLC), (830) 378-5202 (Valley Tel. Coop., IncStx Wireless License, LLC). P.O. Box 83, Dilley, TX 78017-0083 are PO boxes that Clara can use. Clara can currently be contacted via email at the address [email protected]
Main Address
777 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX 78017
County: Frio County
FIPS: 481639503001197
Possible connections via main address -
Latitude, Longitude: 28.6974635, -99.1768432
Historical Addresses
817 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX 78017
1118 Howard Ln, Garland, TX 75044
1909 Santa Anna Dr, Garland, TX 75042
846 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX 78017
883 Co Rd 4600, Dilley, TX 78017
Possible connections via historical records - Benito Valenzuela
10-12-1958 is her birth date. 66 is Clara's age. Clara’s residency is at 500 Francis Str, San Juan, TX 78589-3440. Caroline I Benavides, Joshua I Benavides, and five other persons are connected to this place. Clara has phone several numbers, including (956) 874-3254 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (956) 783-6583 (Southwestern BellNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC). Public records show that the phone number (956) 783-6583 is linked to Ricardo Benavidez, Ricardo L Benavides, Judith M Benavides, Caroline I Benavides. Various documents link the phone number (956) 787-5953 to different owners — Adriana Minerva Avila, Karen Elizabeth Brinson, Judith M Benavides, Caroline I Benavides. [email protected] is Clara’s current primary email address
Main Address
500 Francis St, San Juan, TX 78589
Single Family, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 180 sqft garage
Four bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 8,250 sqft, Floor Size - 2,344 sqft
Parcel ID# S359301000007400
County: Hidalgo County
FIPS: 482150218051009
Possible connections via main address - Caroline I Benavides, Joshua I Benavides
Latitude, Longitude: 26.214663, -98.15807
(956) 874-3254, (956) 783-6583, (956) 787-5953
Possible connections via phone numbers - Le Garza, Ricardo Benavidez, Ricardo L Benavides, Judith M Benavides, Caroline I Benavides, Adriana Minerva Avila, Karen Elizabeth Brinson
1-05-1955 is her birth date. Sixty-nine is the age of Clara. Nancy E Benavides, Clara Nancy Benavides, C Nancy Benavidez, C N Benavides, Nancy Benavides, Clara Benavides, Nancy Clara Benavides, Clara E Benavides, Nancy Benavidas are instances of the alternative name for Clara. Clara now resides at 714 Smoke Tree Driv, San Antonio, TX 78227-1030. Leonard L Benavides, Nancy Benavides, and two other persons are connected to this place. Clara has included 111 Lamrick Cir, Laredo, TX 78046 in their address history. Previous cities where Clara has lived are San Antonio, TX and Laredo, TX. Assuming from the residence history, at least nine people including Maria Gonzalez, Maricela Ojeda, Jose R Cabriales know Clara. (956) 727-4582 (Southwestern Bell), (210) 673-3867 are phone numbers that belong to Clara. Various documents link the phone number (956) 727-4582 to different owners — Leonardo Benavides, Leonard L Benavides. There is a chance that the phone number (210) 673-3867 is shared by Leonardo Benavides, Lydia Iuiz, Natalie A Benavides, Leonard L Benavides. Clara can be reached at [email protected]
Main Address
714 Smoke Tree Dr, San Antonio, TX 78227
County: Bexar County
Neighborhood: Meadow Village
FIPS: 480291717004001
Possible connections via main address - Nancy Benavides
Latitude, Longitude: 29.427903, -98.6395919
Historical Addresses
2114 W Travis St, San Antonio, TX 78207
5721 Broadway St #C, San Antonio, TX 78209
714 Smoke Tree Dr, San Antonio, TX 78227
917 Guatemozin St, Laredo, TX 78040
6827 Martinique Dr, San Antonio, TX 78227
3600 E Del Mar Blvd, Laredo, TX 78041
111 Lamrick Cir, Laredo, TX 78046
Possible connections via historical records - Leonardo Benavides
(956) 727-4582, (210) 673-3867
Possible connections via phone numbers - Leonardo Benavides, Leonard L Benavides, Lydia Iuiz, Natalie A Benavides
531 South Frederick Avenu, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 is where Clara resides. We have information about one company that is registered at this address — Nourish Now. Andrea Calix, Uyen Le, and 36 other persons spent some time in this place. Clara’s phone number is (301) 963-4274 (Verizon Maryland, Inc)
Main Address
531 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
County: Montgomery County
FIPS: 240317007043002
Possible connections via main address - Andrea Calix, Uyen Le
The residency of Clara is at 8282 Hardester Drv, Sacramento, CA 95828-7509. Calvin D Crane, Hattie L Crane, and three other persons are also associated with this address
Main Address
8282 Hardester Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828
County: Sacramento County
FIPS: 60670093212022
Possible connections via main address - Calvin D Crane, Hattie L Crane