Dorene Jinnett
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsAfter graduation, Dorene got an associate degree. Presently, Sales Occupations is the listed occupation. August 3, 1943 is the birth date of Dorene. Dorene is eighty-one years old. The residency of Dorene is at 2404 Wayfarer Crt, Discovery Bay, CA 94505-1426. This address is also associated with Arthur T Jinnett and Jennifer R Klinger. Dorene has phone numbers registered: (503) 539-3965 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (925) 420-6798 (O1 Communications, IncNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC)
- 2404 Wayfarer Ct, Discovery Bay, CA 94505
- County: Contra Costa County
- FIPS: 60133040031016
- Possible connections via main address - Arthur T Jinnett, Jennifer R Klinger
- Latitude, Longitude: 37.890624, -121.596639
- (503) 539-3965, (925) 420-6798, (503) 380-3152
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Arthur T Jinnett
The level of education listed was a graduate or a professional degree. Dorene works in the field of Administration/Managerial. 6795 SW 167th Pl, Beaverton, OR is where Dorene resides. (503) 259-2863 (Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc) is Dorene’s phone number
- 6795 SW 167th Pl, Beaverton, OR 97007
- County: Washington County
- Neighborhood: West Beaverton
- FIPS: 410670318063021
- Possible connections via main address -
- Latitude, Longitude: 45.470623, -122.848726
- (503) 259-2863
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Arthur T Jinnett
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Dorene Jinnett . Here are the most common misspellings for Jinnett: Wixson, Hixon, Hixson, Jinnette, Clemmer, Jinette, Manis, Trail, Trial, Djinnett, Vanhorn, Callardjinnet, Rona-finley, Ronafinley, Joy, Harrell, Collard, Jinne, Callard Jinnett
- Dorene Lawson
- Dorene Melton
- Dorene Charles
- Dorene Hayes
- Dorene Thomas
- Dorene Finley