Elizabeth Ingenthron
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results12.02.67 is the birth date of Elizabeth. Elizabeth turned 56 years old. Alternative name, for example, Elizabeth A Abbey 3RD, Liz Abbey, Elizabeth A Schardine 3RD, Elizabeth A Schardine, Elizabeth Schardine 3RD, Elizabeth Ingenthron, Liz A Abbey, Elizabeth Abbey, Elizabeth A Abbey could be used by Elizabeth. 1400 Northeast Sardou Av, Topeka, KS 66616-1279 is where Elizabeth resides. There is one company registered at this address — George Ingenthron — that we are aware of. Two other people John J Ingenthron and Valerie L Ingenthron are associated with this address. Elizabeth’s previous addresses include 301 Gemini St, Silver Lake, KS 66539. Silver Lake, KS and Topeka, KS are the two cities where Elizabeth lived. Kathryne Ansell, Joecinta L Dasher are two of two people who may know Elizabeth due to residence history. The phone numbers associated with Elizabeth: (785) 633-5636 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC), (785) 234-3614 (Southwestern BellNew Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC). Public records show that the phone number (785) 633-5636 is linked to Elizabeth A Abbey, Darren G Abbey. There is a chance that the phone number (785) 350-2316 is shared by Kimberly A King, Bradley Fenimore, Jennifer Fenimore. Two persons, including Regina M Kent, Luke Franzen, listed the phone number (785) 582-0529 as their own, various documents indicated
- 1400 NE Sardou Ave, Topeka, KS 66616
- Single Family, Attached Garage, 3 spaces, 760 sqft garage
- Four bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms
- Floor Size - 4,150 sqft
- Parcel ID# 108280200600100
- County: Shawnee County
- Neighborhood: Oakland
- FIPS: 201770009001007
- Possible connections via main address - John J Ingenthron, Valerie L Ingenthron
- Latitude, Longitude: 39.066786, -95.648409
- 630 NE Chester Ave, Topeka, KS 66616
- 1641 SW 21st St, Topeka, KS 66604
- 301 Gemini St, Silver Lake, KS 66539
- Possible connections via historical records - Joecinta L Dasher
- (785) 633-5636, (785) 234-3614, (785) 350-2316, (785) 267-7816, (785) 582-0529
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Elizabeth A Abbey, Darren G Abbey, Kimberly A King, Bradley Fenimore, Jennifer Fenimore, Regina M Kent, Luke Franzen
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Elizabeth Ingenthron . Here are the most common misspellings for Ingenthron: Ingenthrow, Ingethron, Ingenphron, Angenthron, Schardine, Bustmante, Ingenthron Gillette
- Elizabeth Lewis
- Elizabeth Schaefer
- Elizabeth Cool
- Elizabeth Sheldon
- Elizabeth Gillette
- Elizabeth Wooster
- Elizabeth Weston
- Elizabeth Freeman
- Elizabeth Gill
- Elizabeth Swager
- Elizabeth Rivera
- Elizabeth Miller
- Elizabeth Denise
- Elizabeth Smart
- Elizabeth Lopes
- Elizabeth Freda
- Elizabeth Cathy
- Elizabeth Abbey