Elizabeth Parducci
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results12-07-1969 is the birth date of Elizabeth. Fifty-five is the age of Elizabeth. Elizabeth now resides at 3012 South Boston Crt, Tulsa, OK 74114-5217. We assume that Silvano Stefano Parduca and Marie Parducci were among five dwellers or residents at this place. Records show that Elizabeth has several phone numbers, (706) 221-0136 (Knology of Georgia, Inc), (248) 910-9722 (Sprint Spectrum LPKnology of Georgia, Inc). Various documents link the phone number (706) 221-0136 to different owners — Elizabeth M Parducci, Silvano Parducci, Silvano S Parducci, Jennifer Davis, Maxine Y Solis. There is a chance that the phone number (248) 910-9722 is shared by Silvano S Parducci, Marie Parducci
- 3012 S Boston Ct, Tulsa, OK 74114
- County: Tulsa County
- Neighborhood: Maple Ridge
- FIPS: 401430045003011
- Possible connections via main address - Marie Parducci
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.120122, -95.983221
- (706) 221-0136, (248) 910-9722
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Elizabeth M Parducci, Silvano Parducci, Silvano S Parducci, Jennifer Davis, Maxine Y Solis, Marie Parducci
Elizabeth celebrated 55th birthday on June 30. The residency of Elizabeth is at 4953 Turnberry La, Columbus, GA 31909-8058. We know that Jason Entlich, Megan B Entlich, and two other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. (706) 221-0136 (Knology of Georgia, Inc) is the only phone number Elizabeth has. Elizabeth M Parducci, Silvano Parducci, Silvano S Parducci, Jennifer Davis, Maxine Y Solis were identified as possible owners of the phone number (706) 221-0136
- 4953 Turnberry Ln, Columbus, GA 31909
- County: Muscogee County
- FIPS: 132150102032002
- Possible connections via main address - Jason Entlich, Megan B Entlich
- Latitude, Longitude: 32.568778, -84.923857
- (706) 221-0136
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Elizabeth M Parducci, Silvano Parducci, Silvano S Parducci, Jennifer Davis, Maxine Y Solis
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Elizabeth Parducci . The last name Parducci is often misspelled as Parduccischwartz, Parducci Schwartz, Krieder, Bazani, Clentimack, Lynchrinaldi, Herreraparducci, O'parducci
- Elizabeth Smith
- Elizabeth Clyde
- Elizabeth Sherry
- Elizabeth Spackman
- Elizabeth Schwartz
- Elizabeth Schmidt
- Elizabeth Derry
- Elizabeth Herrera
- Elizabeth Schmit
- Elizabeth Rogers
- Elizabeth Nickel
- Elizabeth Munroe
- Elizabeth Steiner
- Elizabeth Rinehart
- Elizabeth Moorer
- Elizabeth Moore
- Elizabeth Kreider