Elma celebrated 35th birthday on April 11. Elma Benavides, Elma Benavidez and other name can be used as alternatives for Elma. The residency of Elma is at 510 Saddle Rock Drv, Houston, TX 77037-2023. This address is also connected to Humberto G Benavides and Lilia C Benavides. Elma has included 526 Cool Spring Dr, Houston, TX 77037 in their address history. (832) 228-1787 (Aerial Communications), (281) 448-2814 (Southwestern BellAerial Communications) are phone numbers that belong to Elma. Two persons, including Humberto G Benavides, Lilia C Benavides, listed the phone number (281) 448-2814 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (281) 854-8638 is also used by Lilia C Benavides, Humberto G Benavides. Elma’s possible email addresses are [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Main Address
510 Saddle Rock Dr, Houston, TX 77037
Single Family, Carport, 2 spaces
Three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms
Lot Size - 6,821 sqft, Floor Size - 1,835 sqft
Parcel ID# 0970530000366
Last Sale May 1992 - Price $45,000
County: Harris County
Neighborhood: Northline Terrace
FIPS: 482012216001012
Possible connections via main address - Lilia C Benavides
Latitude, Longitude: 29.891542, -95.405815
Historical Addresses
526 Cool Spring Dr, Houston, TX 77037
(832) 228-1787, (281) 448-2814, (281) 854-8638
Possible connections via phone numbers - Humberto G Benavides, Lilia C Benavides
Her birth date was listed as 1961-05-9. Elma is sixty-three. Elma D Ferrari, Elmaf Benavides, Elma Diazferrari, Elma Diaz, Elma Benavides, Elma Ferrari, Elma F Diaz, Miguel A Benavides, Elma Ferrari Diaz, Elma A Benavides, Elma Diaz Ferrari, Miguel Benavides, Elma Bennavides are alternative name for Elma. Elma’s current address is 804 East University Avenu, Georgetown, TX 78626-7038. Elma Banavides, Miguel Banavides, and six other persons spent some time in this place. The address history of Elma can be traced back to 707 E 13th St, Georgetown, TX 78626. Elma has lived in four different cities, including Big Spring, TX and Georgetown, TX. From Elma’s residence history, Miguel A Benavides, Stacy Fulmer, Iris Tate are two of the six people who know Elma. Elma can be reached at (512) 763-1598 (Gtesw), (512) 868-0456. Six persons, including Mark Ferrari, Miguel A Benavides, Elma Banavides, Casey M Benavides, Miguel Banavides, Elma Ferrari, listed the phone number (512) 763-1598 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (512) 868-0456 is also used by Genevieve H Vickery, Genevieve Vickery, John J Ellis, Frances Montressa Glass, Miguel A Benavides, Casey M Benavides. Public records show that the phone number (512) 466-5448 is linked to Elma Ferrari, Armon A Ferrari. Various documents link the phone number (512) 442-7959 to different owners — Aurora Montemayor, Noe M Diaz, Aurora M Diaz, Lucilla A Diaz. Elma may use the email addresses [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Main Address
804 E University Ave, Georgetown, TX 78626
Single Family, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 500 sqft garage
Three bathrooms
Lot Size - 9,148 sqft, Floor Size - 3,110 sqft
Parcel ID# R20991800000014
County: Williamson County
FIPS: 484910214032000
Possible connections via main address - Miguel Banavides
Latitude, Longitude: 30.633049, -97.669712
Historical Addresses
707 W 13th St, Big Spring, TX 79720
1719 Horseshoe Cir, Round Rock, TX 78681
1719 Enfield Rd, Austin, TX 78703
11817 Rotherham Dr, Austin, TX 78753
2809 Wilcrest Dr, Austin, TX 78748
4600 Nevada Path, Austin, TX 78745
707 E 13th St, Georgetown, TX 78626
Possible connections via historical records - Miguel A Benavides
Possible connections via phone numbers - Mark Ferrari, Miguel A Benavides, Elma Banavides, Casey M Benavides, Miguel Banavides, Elma Ferrari, Genevieve H Vickery, Genevieve Vickery, John J Ellis, Frances Montressa Glass, Armon A Ferrari, Aurora Montemayor, Noe M Diaz, Aurora M Diaz, Lucilla A Diaz, Paul D Keeper
Elma celebrated 80th birthday on September 16. Elma can use different name, such as Elma Benavides, E P Benavides, E Benavides, Elma P Bevavides, Elma Benavides Perez, Elma Benavidez, Elma Benaivides. Elma’s current address is 1722 Forest Spring Strt, San Antonio, TX 78232-4725. Elma’s previous addresses include 7600 Blanco Rd, San Antonio, TX 78216. Oscar Benavides, Robert A Dilutis, Jaime Ricardo Zamora are two of four people who may know Elma due to residence history. The phone numbers associated with Elma: (210) 490-6656 (Southwestern Bell), (210) 349-1356. Two persons, including Clarissa B Velasquez, Oscar Benavides 3RD, listed the phone number (210) 490-6656 as their own, various documents indicated. To contact Elma, send them an email at [email protected]
Main Address
1722 Forest Spring St, San Antonio, TX 78232
Single Family, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 462 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 8,625 sqft, Floor Size - 1,748 sqft
Parcel ID# 158460120130
County: Bexar County
Neighborhood: Uptown
FIPS: 480291211081003
Possible connections via main address -
Latitude, Longitude: 29.570956, -98.46363
Historical Addresses
12500 San Pedro Ave #3, San Antonio, TX 78216
7600 Blanco Rd #4901, San Antonio, TX 78216
807 Tamworth Dr, San Antonio, TX 78213
706 West Ave, San Antonio, TX 78201
7600 Blanco Rd #1107, San Antonio, TX 78216
Possible connections via historical records - Guillermina W Guevara
(210) 490-6656, (210) 349-1356
Possible connections via phone numbers - Clarissa B Velasquez, Oscar Benavides 3RD
1934-09-29 is her birth date. The current age of Elma is 90. Elma is currently living at 2006 Toben Driv, Corpus Christi, TX 78412-4830. Higinio Benauides and Diana I Flores are both registered at this address. Elma has one phone number registered: (361) 992-3047 (Southwestern Bell). Public records show that the phone number (361) 992-3047 is linked to Jose Ricardo Benavides, Diana I Flores
Main Address
2006 Toben Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Single Family, Carport, 2 spaces
Lot Size - 6,621 sqft, Floor Size - 1,868 sqft
Parcel ID# 098200020080
County: Nueces County
Neighborhood: South Side
FIPS: 483550032033012
Possible connections via main address - Diana I Flores
Latitude, Longitude: 27.690309, -97.356656
(361) 992-3047
Possible connections via phone numbers - Jose Ricardo Benavides, Diana I Flores
Elma is currently living at 1001 East University Avnue, Georgetown, TX 78626. We know that one company — Helping Hanga — is registered at this address. We know that M Alcalde, Robin Aleman, and 150 other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. Elma owns the following phone numbers: (512) 863-1555 (Gtesw), (512) 863-6511. Public records show that the phone number (512) 863-1555 is linked to Walker Lake, Jason Jones. Various documents link the phone number (512) 863-6511 to different owners — Joe N Wilson SR, Robyn G Vacek, Barbara Bielss, Steven Hendrickson, Arden Baxter, Herminia Carreno