June 1, 1988 is Emily's birth date. Emily got 36. Emily is a resident at 1217 Avocet Driv, Breinigsville, PA 18031-1109. This address is also associated with the name of David S Maria, Claire Santa, and five other individuals. One phone number is associated with Emily: (484) 597-1184 (Omnipoint Communications Enterprises, LP). The phone number (484) 597-1184 is also used by Erin Santa, David O Santa, Victoria L Santa, Dane E Santa, Claire Santa
1983-04-30 is the birth date of Emily. Emily’s age is about 41. Emily is currently living at 7621 South Exchange Av, Chgo, IL 60649-4309. We assume that Otis Gant JR and Ricky L Rucker were among five dwellers or residents at this place