Emma Sartini
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 resultsApril 30, 1986 is Emma's birth date. Emma is thirty-eight years old. Emma is a resident at 5516 Oliver Crt, Cin, OH 45241-1777. This address is also associated with the name of Shirley Davis, Margaret P Denker, and five other individuals. Emma has phone numbers registered: (513) 379-0823 (Cincinnati Bell Wireless, LLC), (513) 236-1509. The phone number (513) 379-0823 is also used by Patricia Anne Sartini, Rebecca S Sartini. Public records show that the phone number (513) 236-1509 is linked to Edw Y Richards, Patricia Anne Sartini, Rebecca S Sartini
- 5516 Oliver Ct, Cincinnati, OH 45241
- County: Hamilton County
- FIPS: 390610223023005
- Possible connections via main address - Shirley Davis, Margaret P Denker
- Latitude, Longitude: 39.294649, -84.378119
- (513) 379-0823, (513) 236-1509
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Patricia Anne Sartini, Rebecca S Sartini, Edw Y Richards
08.31.43 is the birth date of Emma. Emma is sixty years old. 4 Eisenhower Str, Cumberland, RI 02864-2411 is where Emma resides. This address is also home to someone by the name of Raymond R Sartini. Records show that Emma has one phone number, (401) 658-1622 (Verizon New England, Inc). Public records show that the phone number (401) 658-1622 is linked to Michelle M Sartini, Raymond R Sartini
- 4 Eisenhower St, Cumberland, RI 02864
- Single Family, Attached Garage
- Three bedrooms, One bathroom
- Lot Size - 0.29 acres, Floor Size - 1,092 sqft
- Parcel ID# CUMBM:054B:0329L:000
- County: Providence County
- FIPS: 440070114033024
- Possible connections via main address - Raymond R Sartini
- Latitude, Longitude: 41.967714, -71.457943
- (401) 658-1622
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Michelle M Sartini, Raymond R Sartini
1415 Vine Strt, Cincinnati, OH 45202 is where Emma lives. There’s evidence of a company enrolled at the same address: Maker Marketing. Erik Braun, Michael James Hanley, and thirteen other persons are also associated with this address. Emma can be reached at (513) 368-3535 (Cincinnati Bell Wireless, LLC)
- 1415 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
- County: Hamilton County
- Neighborhood: Over-The-Rhine
- FIPS: 390610009001024
- Possible connections via main address - Michael James Hanley
- Latitude, Longitude: 39.1110169, -84.5157154
- (513) 368-3535
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Emma Sartini . Here are the most common misspellings for Sartini: Duzal, Riverasartini, Harwoodrivera, Romanoskey, Winegord, Sartoni, Sardini, Fertitta Delise, Desio
- Emma Taylor
- Emma Santini
- Emma Duval
- Emma Sartin
- Emma Fertitta
- Emma Yost
- Emma Harwood
- Emma Rivera
- Emma Pisano
- Emma Delise
- Emma Reyes
- Emma Cooke
- Emma Celis
- Emma Martins
- Emma Bosse
- Emma Chandler