G Barfoot
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results1947-08-1 is the birth date of G. G is seventy-seven. One alternative to G is G W Barfoot. G is currently living at 15603 Memorial Drv, Houston, TX 77079-4117. Documents show that two companies are listed at this address: Landscpae Images and Landscape Images. G used to live at 15603 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77079. G is potentially known by Kevin Ahern, Marilyn F Barfoot, Valerie A Leavitt and nine other people due to residence history
- 15603 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77079
- County: Harris County
- Neighborhood: Westside
- FIPS: 482014505002003
- Possible connections via main address -
- Latitude, Longitude: 29.7771936, -95.6304102
- 1106 Lashbrook Dr, Houston, TX 77077
- 15603 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77079
- Possible connections via historical records - Sarah M Langerud
G is a professional degree holder or graduate. Professional/Technical is listed as their current occupation. 15621 Memorial Drv, Houston, TX 77079 is where G resides. 38 persons linked to this address. Their name are Robt C Aldridge, Gordon L Barfoot, and 36 others. 12719 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024 is included in Gās address history. G has (281) 531-1181 (Southwestern Bell), (281) 531-4321 as phone numbers. Public records show that the phone number (281) 531-1181 is linked to Nicolette Grant, Gordon L Barfoot, Gordon Barfoot. Various documents link the phone number (281) 531-4321 to different owners ā Marilyn F Barfoot, Gordon L Barfoot, Damaris Nieto, Gordon Barfoot
- 15621 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77079
- Townhouse, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 504 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, Three bathrooms
- Lot Size - 3,280 sqft, Floor Size - 3,496 sqft
- Parcel ID# 1072870000012
- County: Harris County
- Neighborhood: Memorial
- FIPS: 482014505002003
- School District: Katy
- Middle School: Memorial Pkwy
- High School: Taylor
- Possible connections via main address - Robt C Aldridge, Gordon L Barfoot
- Latitude, Longitude: 29.7780132, -95.6310806
- 12719 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77024
- (281) 531-1181, (281) 531-4321
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Nicolette Grant, Gordon L Barfoot, Gordon Barfoot, Marilyn F Barfoot, Damaris Nieto
G is a resident of 516 Locust Str, Kalamazoo, MI 49007-5022. We know that Trisha K Bransford, Sara Marie Albro, and 29 other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. One phone number is associated with G: (616) 894-2333 (Verizon Wireless, LLC). Various documents link the phone number (616) 894-2333 to different owners ā Bonnie S Crater, Sheryl L Barfoot, April B Barfoot, Randy R Barfoot
- 516 Locust St, Kalamazoo, MI 49007
- County: Kalamazoo County
- Neighborhood: Vine
- FIPS: 260770006005004
- Possible connections via main address - Trisha K Bransford, Sara Marie Albro
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.2869444, -85.5936235
- (616) 894-2333
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Bonnie S Crater, Sheryl L Barfoot, April B Barfoot, Randy R Barfoot
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with G Barfoot . The last name Barfoot is often misspelled as Barfoot Crist, Bearfoot, Barsoot, Wilbon, Mcmanaway, Barfootjr, Arfoot, Levys, Bartoot
- G Barefoot
- G Rutledge
- G Wiggins
- G Jefferson
- G Knecht
- G Christ
- G Rodriguez
- G Crist
- G Rowe
- G Kennison
- G Christensen
- G Coe
- G Schwartz
- G Levy
- G Spinks
- G Diggs