30-04-1996 is the birth date of Ian. 28 is Ian's age. Ian lives at 123 Old Schroon Rd, Pottersville, NY at present. Two other people Courtney E. Burns-griffen and Peter J Griffen are associated with this address
1-06-1988 is Ian's birth date. Ian’s age is 36 years. Ian’s residency is at 13011 Woodland Groves Pl, Hannibal, MO. We know that Laura Cunningham, Laura A Griffen, and two other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. (573) 231-0774 (Southwestern Bell) is the only phone number that belongs to Ian. The phone number (573) 231-0774 is also used by Scott Griffen, Laura A Griffen
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Ian Griffen . Riffin, Giffin, Grifin, Agriffin, Griffinjr, Lgriffin, Jgriffin, Griffon, Grffin, Dgriffin, Griffins, Griifin, O'griffin, Griff are possible typos for Griffen