Jalonie Smith
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results1968-12-31 is the birth date of Jalonie. The age of Jalonie is fifty-five. Jalonie’s current address is 3800 Flat Shoals Parkwy, Decatur, GA 30034. We know that seventeen companies are registered at this address. Some of the name are: Stokes - Hinds Construction, Inc and Facundo R Randazzo LLC. We assume that Gonda Martin and Bertha Holtzclaw were among 425 dwellers or residents at this place. Jalonie has phone numbers (404) 243-6238 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC), (678) 663-3439 (Metro PCS, IncBellsouth Telecommunications, LLC). Three persons, including Dominique Smith, Doris Smith, Melondy Smith, listed the phone number (404) 243-6238 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (678) 663-3439 is also used by Melondy Smith, Dominique Smith
- 3800 Flat Shoals Pkwy, Decatur, GA 30034
- County: Dekalb County
- FIPS: 130890234211003
- Possible connections via main address - Gonda Martin, Bertha Holtzclaw
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.6969603, -84.2617499
- (404) 243-6238, (678) 663-3439
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Dominique Smith, Doris Smith, Melondy Smith