James Echelle
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results10.13.88 is the birth date of James. James has reached 36 years of age. It’s also possible to call James by other name, such as James Bryan Echelle JR, Jamesbryan Echelle, James J Echelle, James B Echelle, James B Echellejr JR, James B Echellejr, James Echelle JR, James Echelle and similar adaptations. 20510 Southeast 149th Strt, Oklahoma City, OK 74857-8607 is where James resides. Robert Smith is linked to this address as well. James’s previous address is 10301 S McKinley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139. Oklahoma City, OK and Stuart, OK are the two cities where James lived. From the previous addresses, we can assume that James might be known by around five people, this includes Erick Murray, Shawn Murray, Shawn Murray. (405) 410-2946 (T-mobile Usa, Inc) is James's sole phone number. P.O. Box 3951, Mcalester, OK 74502-3951 are the P.O. boxes that we may know about
- 20510 SE 149th St, Newalla, OK 74857
- Residential, Gravel Drive
- Four bedrooms, Three bathrooms
- Lot Size - 5.72 acres, Floor Size - 2,230 sqft
- Parcel ID# SD70101E26079
- Last Sale Jan 2019 - Price $149,000
- County: Cleveland County
- Neighborhood: Southeast Oklahoma City
- FIPS: 400272023024002
- School District: Little Axe
- Possible connections via main address - Robert Smith
- Latitude, Longitude: 35.31592, -97.166206
- 3469 Friendship Rd, Stuart, OK 74570
- 2123 Goodrich Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73170
- 12901 S Western Ave #1202, Oklahoma City, OK 73170
- 1008 SW 103rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73139
- 10301 S McKinley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139
- Possible connections via historical records - Sherri D Murray
- (405) 410-2946
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Arthur Ray Mercer JR
- Po Box 168, Indianola, OK 74442-0168
- Po Box 3661, Mcalester, OK 74502-3661
- Po Box 3951, Mcalester, OK 74502-3951
James possesses a bachelor's degree. Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Occupations is listed as a current occupation. He was born on 4-08-1965. James was born fifty-nine years ago. James is also known as James B Echelle JR, Bryan Echelle, James B Ehelle, Jamesbryan Echelle, Jamesbryan Echelle JR, James Echelle, James E Echelle, James B Echelle, James B Echelle SR, James Echelle SR, Bryan Echelle SR, Brian Echelle SR, Mr James B Ehelle, Mr James B Echelle, Mr J B Echelle, Mr Echelle James Bryan, Mr James Bryan Echelle, Mr Bryan Echelle. James now resides at 7700 Choate Prairie Rd, Indianola, OK. There are two more people with links to the same address by the name of Crystal G Echelle and Shawna M Echelle. 10301 S McKinley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139 is where James previously lived. James lived in Indianola, OK and Oklahoma City, OK before relocating to their current city. We believe that at least four individuals, including Paula L Echelle, Paula Shrum, Corey Ford, are familiar with James based on the residence history. James has phone several numbers, including (405) 378-7761 (Southwestern Bell), (405) 412-5898 (T-Mobile USA, Inc.Southwestern Bell). Various documents link the phone number (405) 378-7761 to different owners — Paula L Echelle, Bryan Echelle, Milda Ann Echelle. Two persons, including Crystal G Echelle, Shawna M Echelle, listed the phone number (918) 826-4642 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (405) 741-1879 is also used by Paula Shrum, Paula L Echelle, George Martin, Milda Ann Echelle. Public records show that the phone number (405) 691-2356 is linked to Lindell Dwayne Meyer, Ashley Krystle Meyer, Beatriz Meyer, Ho M Phoung. Various documents link the phone number (405) 634-1296 to different owners — Cornelia J Masters, Christopher Carl Shipman. There is a chance that the phone number (405) 685-1296 is shared by Paula L Echelle, Milda Ann Echelle. Paula L Echelle, Bonnie L Bowen, Milda Ann Echelle were identified as possible owners of the phone number (405) 685-3382. Four persons, including Stanley Kent Sneed, Tammi L Echelle, Tammi Lea Bear, John Allen Bear, listed the phone number (405) 692-1296 as their own, various documents indicated. P.O. Box 168, Indianola, OK 74442-0168 are the P.O. box name. [email protected], [email protected] and 2@gmail are James's possible email addresses
- 7700 Choate Prairie Rd, Indianola, OK 74442
- County: Pittsburg County
- FIPS: 401214858002001
- Possible connections via main address - Shawna M Echelle
- Latitude, Longitude: 35.144778, -95.8847794
- 12537 Village Ln, Oklahoma City, OK 73170
- 5928 SE 88th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73135
- 1433 SW 61st St, Oklahoma City, OK 73159
- 1517 SW 93rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73159
- 3200 W Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
- 2608 SW 68th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73159
- 8219 S Klein Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139
- 10301 S McKinley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139
- Possible connections via historical records - Paula Shrum
- (405) 378-7761, (405) 412-5898, (405) 412-5989, (918) 826-4642, (405) 741-1879, (405) 691-2356, (405) 634-1296, (405) 685-1296, (405) 685-3382, (405) 692-1296
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Paula L Echelle, Bryan Echelle, Milda Ann Echelle, Crystal G Echelle, Shawna M Echelle, Paula Shrum, George Martin, Lindell Dwayne Meyer, Ashley Krystle Meyer, Beatriz Meyer, Ho M Phoung, Cornelia J Masters, Christopher Carl Shipman, Bonnie L Bowen, Stanley Kent Sneed, Tammi L Echelle, Tammi Lea Bear, John Allen Bear
- Po Box 892063, Oklahoma City, OK 73189-2063
- Po Box 168, Indianola, OK 74442-0168
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with James Echelle . Sondon, Bumas, Dumasswift, Eschelle, Echellejr are possible typos for Echelle
- James Britton
- James Murray
- James Greene
- James Melendez
- James Reynolds
- James Martin
- James Garcia
- James Condon
- James Swift
- James Shrum
- James Murry
- James Green
- James Dumas
- James Burke
- James Burge
- James Cruz
- James Cantrell
- James Johnson
- James Fabian
- James Shaughnessy