Jane Baucas
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsJane graduated from high school. Production Occupations is an occupation. She is in her seventies. Jane’s age is listed as seventy-two-years-old. Jane is a resident at 1513 2nd Avn, LA, CA 90019-4537. Eighteen persons linked to this address. Their name are Lazare Tampa, Luis Menendez, and sixteen others. Records show that Jane can be contacted at (323) 730-0341 (Pacific Bell), (323) 997-9929 (Nextel Communications, IncPacific Bell). The phone number (323) 730-0341 is also used by Jane E Baucas, Dora Gonzalez
- 1513 2nd Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90019
- County: Los Angeles County
- Neighborhood: Mid City
- FIPS: 60372181201008
- Possible connections via main address - Lazare Tampa, Luis Menendez
- Latitude, Longitude: 34.045021, -118.319253
- (323) 730-0341, (323) 997-9929
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Jane E Baucas, Dora Gonzalez, Fabian P Baucas
Jane did Jane's High School graduation. Current employment is stated as Production Occupations. Jane’s current address is 1513 2nd Avn, LA, CA 90019-4537. This address is also associated with the name of Lazare Tampa, Luis Menendez, and sixteen other individuals. (323) 730-0341 (Pacific Bell), (323) 733-2792 are Jane’s phone numbers. Two persons, including Jane E Baucas, Dora Gonzalez, listed the phone number (323) 730-0341 as their own, various documents indicated
- 1513 2nd Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90019
- County: Los Angeles County
- Neighborhood: Mid City
- FIPS: 60372181201008
- Possible connections via main address - Lazare Tampa, Luis Menendez
- Latitude, Longitude: 34.045021, -118.319253
- (323) 730-0341, (323) 733-2792
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Jane E Baucas, Dora Gonzalez
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Jane Baucas . The surname Baucas is often incorrectly written as Baucus, Duriac, Durick, Durrick, Shenaut, Durickiii, Bancas, Baukas, Buacas
- Jane Cortez
- Jane Ly
- Jane Max
- Jane Bacus
- Jane Hanes
- Jane Dantes
- Jane Powell