Jane Lemmen
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results5-12-1966 is her birth date. Fifty-seven is the age of Jane. You can also use different name for Jane, including Jane Lemmen, Jane E Lemmen, Je E Lemmen, Jane E Lennen, Ms Je E Lemmen, Ms Jane Ellen Lemmen, Ms Jane E Lemmen and similar. Jane now resides at 2054 Leisure Boulv, Holland, MI 49424. Michael A Lemmen, Samantha Ried Lemmen, and two other persons are connected to this place. Jane lived at 790 College Ave, Holland, MI 49423 previously. Previous cities where Jane has lived are Holland, MI and Kentwood, MI. We think that at least eight people, including Ethan Lemmen, Alexander William Lemmen, Michael A Lemmen, are familiar with Jane based on the residence record. Records show that Jane can be contacted at (616) 403-9283 (Cellco Partnership), (616) 822-0135. There is a chance that the phone number (616) 822-0135 is shared by Michael A Lemmen, Samantha Ried Lemmen, Ethan Lemmen, Megan Leigh Stephenson, Alexander William Lemmen. Michael A Lemmen, Samantha Ried Lemmen, Ethan Lemmen, Michael John Lemmen, Megan Leigh Stephenson, Karen S Lemmen were identified as possible owners of the phone number (616) 836-9195. There is a chance that the phone number (616) 772-1189 is shared by Michael A Lemmen, Lester Machiela, Caroline J Machiela, Melissa J Machiela. Jane has several email addresses that include [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- 2054 Leisure Blvd, Holland, MI 49424
- Single Family
- Three bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms
- Lot Size - 0.98 acres, Floor Size - 2,799 sqft
- Parcel ID# 701522116049
- Last Sale May 2018 - Price $390,000
- County: Ottawa County
- FIPS: 261390221062007
- School District: West Ottawa
- Possible connections via main address - Michael A Lemmen, Samantha Ried Lemmen
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.808245, -86.194485
- 263 N Division Ave, Holland, MI 49424
- 4675 28th St SE, Kentwood, MI 49512
- 6174 Standing Stone Dr, Holland, MI 49423
- 160 W 33rd St, Holland, MI 49423
- 809 Washington Ave, Holland, MI 49423
- 790 College Ave, Holland, MI 49423
- Possible connections via historical records - Michael A Lemmen
- (616) 403-9283, (616) 822-0135, (616) 836-9195, (616) 355-7839, (616) 355-5578, (616) 392-1622, (616) 335-5062, (616) 772-1189
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Michael A Lemmen, Samantha Ried Lemmen, Ethan Lemmen, Megan Leigh Stephenson, Alexander William Lemmen, Michael John Lemmen, Karen S Lemmen, Lester Machiela, Caroline J Machiela, Melissa J Machiela
The birth date was listed as 1-03-1964. 60 is Jane's age. Jane lives at 18503 148th Avnue, Spring Lake, MI 49456-8860 at present. Kari Potgeter, Jane Robbins, and two other persons are connected to this place. The phone number (616) 846-4079 (Ameritech Michigan) is Jane’s. [email protected] is Jane’s current primary email address
- 18503 148th Ave, Spring Lake, MI 49456
- County: Ottawa County
- FIPS: 261390205031018
- Possible connections via main address - Jane Robbins
- Latitude, Longitude: 43.1051928, -86.1560289
- (616) 846-4079
Jane has successfully graduated from high school. Craftsman/Blue Collar is the listed occupation for now. 1961-01-1 is the birth date of Jane. Jane is sixty-three. Jane’s current address is 293 North 145th Aven, Holland, MI 49424-6449. This address is also linked to Brian Lee Lemmen and Lindsey Renae Lemmen. (616) 392-4896 (Ameritech Michigan), (310) 925-7672 (Nextel Communications, IncAmeritech Michigan) are Jane's phone numbers. Two persons, including Lindsey Renae Lemmen, Brian Lee Lemmen, listed the phone number (616) 392-4896 as their own, various documents indicated. The phone number (310) 925-7672 is also used by Brian Lee Lemmen, Lindsey Renae Lemmen
- 293 N 145th Ave, Holland, MI 49424
- Single Family, Attached Garage, 3 spaces, 484 sqft garage
- Four bedrooms, Two bathrooms
- Floor Size - 1,844 sqft
- Parcel ID# 701524286001
- County: Ottawa County
- FIPS: 261390221051023
- Possible connections via main address - Lindsey Renae Lemmen
- Latitude, Longitude: 42.806366, -86.139728
- (616) 392-4896, (310) 925-7672
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Lindsey Renae Lemmen, Brian Lee Lemmen
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Jane Lemmen . The surname Lemmen is often incorrectly written as Lemnen, Lemmonsneed, Ebersol, Emmen, Warbrick
- Jane Lemmon
- Jane Lemon
- Jane Lemen
- Jane Jackson
- Jane Steven
- Jane Christensen
- Jane Stephenson
- Jane Ebersole
- Jane Hopkins
- Jane Lennen
- Jane Lennon
- Jane Sneed
- Jane Seely
- Jane Regan
- Jane Reece
- Jane Kelly
- Jane York
- Jane Kimberl
- Jane Roberts
- Jane Leo