Jeff Colmer
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results1948-05-31 is the birth date of Jeff. Jeff’s age is about 76. Residents of 535 Marine Aven, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-2221 include Jeff. We assume that Melba C Colmer and Susan G Colmer were among nine dwellers or residents at this place. (310) 545-4331 (Verizon California, Inc), (310) 990-3054 (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLCVerizon California, Inc) are Jeff's phone numbers. There is a chance that the phone number (310) 545-4331 is shared by William L Couey, Lisa A Couey, P Rail, Melba C Colmer, Susan G Colmer
- 535 Marine Ave, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
- County: Los Angeles County
- FIPS: 60376203052010
- Possible connections via main address - Melba C Colmer, Susan G Colmer
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.8932014, -118.4095906
- (310) 545-4331, (310) 990-3054
- Possible connections via phone numbers - William L Couey, Lisa A Couey, P Rail, Melba C Colmer, Susan G Colmer, Grant Y Kim
Jeff lives at 1008 Arlington Avnue, Torrance, CA 90501-2241 at present. Susan G Colmer, Robin R Comer, and six other persons are also associated with this address. Jeff's contact number is (310) 787-8461 (Pacific Bell). French J Comer, Susan G Colmer, Robin R Comer were identified as possible owners of the phone number (310) 787-8461
- 1008 Arlington Ave, Torrance, CA 90501
- County: Los Angeles County
- Neighborhood: Old Town Torrance
- FIPS: 60376509012027
- Possible connections via main address - Susan G Colmer, Robin R Comer
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.8377089, -118.320185
- (310) 787-8461
- Possible connections via phone numbers - French J Comer, Susan G Colmer, Robin R Comer
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Jeff Colmer . Omer, Culmer, Kolmer, Colomer, Coner, Estrella, Calmer, Comier, Collmer, Clomer are possible typos for Colmer
- Jeff Comer
- Jeff Corner
- Jeff Coleman
- Jeff Cromer
- Jeff Nelson
- Jeff Colman
- Jeff Campbell
- Jeff Colemer
- Jeff Upshaw
- Jeff Moore
- Jeff Smith
- Jeff Gilmore
- Jeff Kincaid
- Jeff Perkins
- Jeff Aranda