Jerry Wurtele
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsThe birth date was listed as 1941-06-30. Jerry’s age is about 83. Jerry’s current address is 5943 G Rd, Nebraska City, NE. 8864 Greenwood Rd, Plattsmouth, NE 68048 is where Jerry used to live back in the day. Previously, Jerry lived in Nebraska City, NE and Plattsmouth, NE. (402) 235-2204 (Windstream Nebraska, Inc) is Jerry’s phone number. Three persons, including David J Kats, Bernadette M Conley, Susan M Wurtele, listed the phone number (402) 235-2204 as their own, various documents indicated
- 5943 G Rd, Nebraska City, NE 68410
- County: Otoe County
- FIPS: 311319666002198
- Possible connections via main address -
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.6978534, -95.8979923
- 8864 Greenwood Rd, Plattsmouth, NE 68048
- (402) 235-2204
- Possible connections via phone numbers - David J Kats, Bernadette M Conley, Susan M Wurtele
Jerry’s current address is 1207 Jackson Hollow Rd, Galena, MO. Jerry's phone number is (417) 538-4284 (Centurytel Missouri, LLC)
- 1207 Jackson Hollow Rd, Galena, MO 65656
- Single Family, Off street, Detached Garage, 2 spaces, 864 sqft garage
- Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
- Lot Size - 0.7 acres, Floor Size - 1,800 sqft
- Parcel ID# 107025001004008008
- County: Stone County
- FIPS: 292090902003139
- Possible connections via main address -
- Latitude, Longitude: 36.672203, -93.475465
- (417) 538-4284
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Jerry Wurtele . The surname Wurtele is often incorrectly written as Wurtle, Wurtelegarland, Larsonwurtele, Hansengarland, Wurtell, Wrutele, Wartele, Cs, Wurtele Garland
- Jerry Goodwin
- Jerry Sisk
- Jerry Fisk
- Jerry Tribble
- Jerry Graves
- Jerry Melichar
- Jerry Clayborn
- Jerry Garland
- Jerry Reavis
- Jerry Miller
- Jerry Larson
- Jerry Langer
- Jerry Hansen
- Jerry Denbow
- Jerry Carter
- Jerry Gibbs