John Shanck
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 results09.30.38 is his birth date. John has reached the age of eighty-six years. John currently resides at 231-30 125th Avnue, NY 11413. Beatrice Jones and Mary Shanck are two other people associated with this address. John owns the following phone numbers: (718) 276-6924 (Verizon New York, Inc), (646) 322-6924 (Omnipoint Communications, IncVerizon New York, Inc). 231-30 125 Avenue is the location of John Shanck’s sole owned property
- 231-30 125th Ave, Jamaica, NY 11413
- County: Queens County
- Neighborhood: Jamaica
- FIPS: 360810616011008
- Possible connections via main address - Mary Shanck
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.684249, -73.733015
- (718) 276-6924, (646) 322-6924
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Mary Shanck
John's birth date was listed as 12.27.26. John can go by other name, such as John Shanck, John F Shanck. 808 Oakmont La N, Fort Worth, TX 76112-1036 is where John lives. This address is also associated with the name of Wanda Holden, Phyllis Z Shanck, and three other individuals. Address history for John includes 39 Hickory Trail, Sparta Township, NJ 07871. John’s past residencies include Fort Worth, TX and Sparta Township, NJ. Looking at the residence history of John, we can assume that at least two people, including Rita Fay Rosser, Yvonne Mary Graham know John. (817) 496-9630 (Southwestern Bell), (682) 841-0331 (Ymax Communications Corp.Southwestern Bell) are John’s phone numbers. Three persons, including Pamela S Pipes, Phyllis Shanck, Phyllis Z Shanck, listed the phone number (817) 496-9630 as their own, various documents indicated. Public records show that the phone number (803) 396-0677 is linked to Ludmilla Weintz, Ludmilla J Weintz. John Shanck owns thirty properties, out of which one is located at
- 808 Oakmont Ln N, Fort Worth, TX 76112
- County: Tarrant County
- Neighborhood: Woodhaven
- FIPS: 484391065151006
- Possible connections via main address - Wanda Holden, Phyllis Z Shanck
- Latitude, Longitude: 32.76799, -97.229978
- 5301 Bryant Irvin Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76132
- 5301 Bryant Irvin Rd #305, Fort Worth, TX 76132
- 3051 Casita Ct, Fort Worth, TX 76116
- 39 Hickory Trail, Sparta Township, NJ 07871
- Possible connections via historical records - Yvonne Mary Graham
- - Parcel ID# 13045407 001737300025831
- (817) 496-9630, (682) 841-0331, (803) 396-0677
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Pamela S Pipes, Phyllis Shanck, Phyllis Z Shanck, Ludmilla Weintz, Ludmilla J Weintz
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with John Shanck . Here are the most common misspellings for Shanck: Aldrin-shanck, Marbolddavis, Aldrinshanck, Croyles, Brogles, Marbolddavis Brown, Sharik
- John Sharick
- John Schanck
- John Schank
- John Landry
- John Barno
- John Broyles
- John Middleton
- John Legrande
- John Brown
- John Bartley
- John Snipes
- John Aldrin
- John Shank
- John Davis
- John Clark
- John Sharkey
- John Billings
- John Veley