Lessie Riggins
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results30-11-1961 is the birth date of Lessie. Lessie was born sixty-two years ago. Lessie is also known as Lessie Riggins, Lessie M Callender, Leslie Gadson, Lessie Callender, Lessie Riggins Callende. Lessie lives at 273 Peshine Avnue, Newark, NJ 07108 at present. Two other people Rickey Gadson and Aaliyah Gadson are associated with this address. Lessie has 7 Riverview Ct, Newark, NJ 07105 in his address history. The previous three cities where Lessie has lived include East Orange, NJ and Newark, NJ. Based on the residence history, we assume that at least Bernard Venable, Vivian Rodriguez, Martha N Venable may know Lessie. (973) 622-2858 (Verizon New Jersey, Inc), (973) 230-7143 (Cablevision Lightpath, IncVerizon New Jersey, Inc) are the phone numbers associated with Lessie. Two persons, including Rickey Gadson, Aaliyah Gadson, listed the phone number (973) 230-7143 as their own, various documents indicated
- 273 Peshine Ave, Newark, NJ 07108
- County: Essex County
- Neighborhood: Lower Clinton Hill
- FIPS: 340130050001008
- Possible connections via main address - Rickey Gadson, Aaliyah Gadson
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.7178893, -74.1997557
- 207 S Clinton St #3R, East Orange, NJ 07018
- 511 Hammond St #8, Dothan, AL 36301
- 7 Riverview Ct #1A, Newark, NJ 07105
- Possible connections via historical records - Rickey Gadson
- (973) 622-2858, (973) 230-7143, (973) 565-9045, (862) 235-9595, (862) 368-5092
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Jasmine Heyward, Rickey Gadson, Aaliyah Gadson
Her birth date was listed as 03.24.33. Lessie Riggins, Lessie C Riggins, Lessie T Riggins and other name can be used as alternatives for Lessie. 18140 Linda La, Sylacauga, AL 35150 is where Lessie lives. George Mayo is the other person linked to this address. Lessie owns the following phone numbers: (256) 245-2532 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC), (256) 476-7386 (Cellco PartnershipBellsouth Telecommunications, LLC). We’re aware of one PO box associated with Lessie: P.O. Box 2053, Sylacauga, AL 35150-5053
- 18140 Linda Ln, Sylacauga, AL 35150
- County: Talladega County
- FIPS: 11210119001005
- Possible connections via main address - George Mayo
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.1823072, -86.2763029
- (256) 245-2532, (256) 476-7386, (256) 245-5232, (256) 245-8362
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Kenneth A Seals
- Po Box 2053, Sylacauga, AL 35150-5053
Lessie's birth date was listed as 10.11.26. 101 Dagley Crt, Shelbyville, IN 46176 is where Lessie lives. We know that R Harris, Beverly G Crosby, and 30 other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. 305 Coffey Ln, Shelbyville, IN 46176 is where Lessie used to live back in the day. (317) 398-6296 (Ameritech Indiana) is Lessie’s phone number. Two persons, including Michelle L Overton, Linda Collier, listed the phone number (317) 398-6296 as their own, various documents indicated
- 101 Dagley Ct, Shelbyville, IN 46176
- County: Shelby County
- FIPS: 181457105002006
- Possible connections via main address - Beverly G Crosby
- Latitude, Longitude: 39.5231077, -85.7511403
- 101 Dagley Ct #12, Shelbyville, IN 46176
- 305 Coffey Ln, Shelbyville, IN 46176
- (317) 398-6296
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Michelle L Overton, Linda Collier
Lessie lives at 109 Jenkins Strt NW, Vernon, AL 35592-5940 at present. Lessie L Shelly, Samuel Shelly, and three other persons are connected to this place
- 109 Jenkins St NW, Vernon, AL 35592
- County: Lamar County
- FIPS: 10750301005017
- Possible connections via main address - Samuel Shelly
- Latitude, Longitude: 33.760877, -88.1196726
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Lessie Riggins . Riggin, Riggens, Reggins, Higgins, Riggans, Briggins, Riggings, Driggins, Iggins, Rigins, Rigging, Biggins, Rigginsjr, Riggns, O'riggins, Kiggins, Wriggins are possible typos for Riggins
- Lessie Wiggins
- Lessie Smith
- Lessie Jones
- Lessie Johnson
- Lessie Williams
- Lessie Brown
- Lessie Davis
- Lessie Jackson