Oprah was born on 06.01.87. Oprah is sixty years old. Oprah currently resides at 17216 Greenlawn Strt, Detroit, MI 48221-2535. This address is also associated with the name of Glenna J Jones, Jason Jones, and four other individuals. Records show that Oprah also lived at 122 W 6th St, Chuluota, FL 32766. Oprah used to live in Chuluota, FL and Detroit, MI. Oprah owns the following phone numbers: (313) 282-9758 (Sprint Spectrum LP), (313) 864-6974 (Ameritech MichiganSprint Spectrum LP). Brittani Nicole Jones, Kimberly P Jones, Jason Jones, Glenna J Jones were identified as possible owners of the phone number (313) 864-6974. Oprah’s possible email addresses include [email protected], [email protected]
1-06-1987 is the birth date of Oprah. Thirty-seven is the age of Oprah. Oprah now resides at 4323 Kensington Avn, Detroit, MI 48224-2736. We assume that Kevin W Bacon and Lakisha Johnson were among five dwellers or residents at this place. The only phone number that Oprah owns is (313) 458-7932 (Talk America, Inc)
The birth date was listed as June 1, 1938. Oprah’s age is 86. The residency of Oprah is at 5453 Chatham Woods Drv, Columbus, GA 31907-1853. Seven persons linked to this address. Their name are Kellie N Jones, Patrick S Jones, and five others. The phone number for Oprah is (762) 524-7265 (Sbc Internet Services, Inc). Tiffany Jones, Kellie N Jones, Tierra Jones were identified as possible owners of the phone number (762) 524-7265
Oprah now resides at 19502 Stanford La, Roseville, MI 48066. Carlos Willis is the name of the person who is linked with this address. Oprah's contact number is (313) 854-6123 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC)
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Oprah Jones . Ones, Ljones, Ajones, Djones, Smith, Mjones, James, Jone, Ejones, Brown, Jjones, Johns, Davis, Rjones, Jonesjr, Jackson, Thomas, Mc, Lee, Allen, Taylor, Wilson, Wjones are possible typos for Jones