Rozella Rhoads
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 resultsRozella celebrated 86th birthday on January 31. Rozella’s residency is at 524 West 53rd Str, Anderson, IN 46013. At this address, we know of two companies — Cpm Construction Planning Mngmt and Southdale Tower. We know that B Shanahan, James Wehner, and 152 other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. Before, Rozella lived at 2431 Lincoln St, Anderson, IN 46016. By studying historical data, it can be assumed that there are five people who know Rozella, two of which are Virginia K Kissell, Cherri G Krider, Rusty C Rhoads. Rozella’s contact numbers are (765) 642-9725 (Ameritech Indiana), (765) 641-0480
- 524 W 53rd St, Anderson, IN 46013
- County: Madison County
- FIPS: 180950019003015
- Possible connections via main address - B Shanahan, James Wehner
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.062268, -85.6847109
- 524 W 53rd St #317, Anderson, IN 46013
- 2431 Lincoln St, Anderson, IN 46016
- Possible connections via historical records - Stephanie Dean
- (765) 642-9725, (765) 641-0480
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Rozella Rhoads . Rhoades, Rhodes, Roads, Hoads, Rhoad, Rhods, Hodes, Rhodas, Rhoade, Rhoadsjr, Roades, Rhonds, Lrhoads, Thoads, Phoads, Drhoads, Rhoads Rhoads are possible typos for Rhoads
- Rozella Smith
- Rozella Rose
- Rozella Williams
- Rozella Miller
- Rozella Johnson
- Rozella Jones
- Rozella Brown
- Rozella Adams