The birth date was listed as 1-03-1974. 50 is Ruperto's age. Ruperto’s residency is at 2726 Brianlane Boul, Columbus, OH 43231-1669. Two other people are associated with this address: Jack Dismuke and Jamie Walker. Ruperto's contact number is (614) 854-9096 (Ameritech Ohio). [email protected] is Ruperto’s current primary email address
Main Address
2726 Brianlane Blvd, Columbus, OH 43231
County: Franklin County
Neighborhood: Northern Woods
FIPS: 390490071143015
Possible connections via main address - Jack Dismuke, Jamie Walker
Latitude, Longitude: 40.099612, -82.943241
(614) 854-9096
Possible connections via phone numbers - Esperanza M Navarro
The currently recorded occupation is Medical Technician. The birth date was listed as July 2, 1968. Ruperto is fifty-six years old. Ruperto is a resident of 354 East Ash Avn, Fullerton, CA 92832-2503. There are two more people with links to the same address by the name of Cesareo Navarro and Cheryl A Navarro. The phone number (714) 992-1472 (Pacific Bell) is Ruperto’s
Main Address
354 E Ash Ave, Fullerton, CA 92832
Single Family, Attached Garage, 1 space, 360 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 7,808 sqft, Floor Size - 1,723 sqft
Parcel ID# 03311810
County: Orange County
FIPS: 60590116022014
Possible connections via main address - Cheryl A Navarro
Latitude, Longitude: 33.864991, -117.917857
(714) 992-1472
Possible connections via phone numbers - Cheryl A Navarro
His birth date was listed as March 27, 1964. Ruperto is sixty years old. Ruperto is a resident at 148 Baker Str, Dover, NJ 07801-2602. This address is also home to people by the name of Ma G Navarro and Keirsten E Robinson. (973) 620-9639 (Nextel Communications, Inc) is the only phone number Ruperto has. Ruperto Navarro currently owns a property with the address 1623 Oak Ave, Lehigh Acres, 33972 Fl
Main Address
148 Baker St, Dover, NJ 07801
Single Family
Lot Size - 5,998 sqft, Floor Size - 1,228 sqft
Parcel ID# 0900707000000004
Last Sale Sep 2001 - Price $165,000
County: Morris County
FIPS: 340270450002014
Possible connections via main address - Ma G Navarro, Keirsten E Robinson
Ruperto has a degree at a level between GED and a Bachelor’s degree. Current occupation is Retired. He was born on June 6, 1942. Ruperto’s age is 82. The residency of Ruperto is at 800 Findlay Avnue, Montebello, CA 90640-1547. Maria Flores, Antonio Navarro, and five other persons are also associated with this address. (323) 888-2238 (Pacific Bell), (323) 697-2641 (New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLCPacific Bell) are the phone numbers that are owned by Ruperto. Hortensia G Navarro, Marcela Navarro, Enrique Navarro were identified as possible owners of the phone number (323) 888-2238. Four persons, including Enrique Navarro, Antonio Navarro, Hortensia G Navarro, Marcela Navarro, listed the phone number (323) 697-2641 as their own, various documents indicated. Ruperto Navarro’s property is located at 00800 Findlay Ave , 906400000. Records show two current possible email contacts for Ruperto, [email protected], [email protected]
Main Address
800 Findlay Ave, Montebello, CA 90640
Single Family, 1 space
Three bedrooms, One bathroom
Lot Size - 5,016 sqft, Floor Size - 1,578 sqft
Parcel ID# 5267004016
County: Los Angeles County
Neighborhood: South Montebello
FIPS: 60375302022005
Possible connections via main address - Antonio Navarro
Latitude, Longitude: 34.030462, -118.137649
(323) 888-2238, (323) 697-2641
Possible connections via phone numbers - Hortensia G Navarro, Marcela Navarro, Enrique Navarro, Antonio Navarro
He is in his eighties. Ruperto’s age is 90. Ruperto is a resident of 1019 Erika Strt, Eagle Pass, TX 78852-3042. There’s one more person with links to the same address, by the name of Juana Navarro. Ruperto's contact number is (830) 773-8549 (Southwestern Bell). Various documents link the phone number (830) 773-8549 to different owners — Juana Navarro, Rosie Jimenez
Main Address
1019 Erika St, Eagle Pass, TX 78852
County: Maverick County
FIPS: 483239502052011
Possible connections via main address - Juana Navarro
Latitude, Longitude: 28.665262, -100.482613
(830) 773-8549
Possible connections via phone numbers - Juana Navarro, Rosie Jimenez
4809 Settlers Av, Caldwell, ID 83607-1307 is where Ruperto lives. This address is also associated with the name of Jose Espinoza, Alicia Navarro, and nine other individuals. (208) 455-2732 (Qwest Corp) is Ruperto's sole phone number. Six persons, including Patricia Navarro, Jose A Navarro, Miguel Navarro, Alicia Navarro, Gabriel Navarro, Hugo Navarro, listed the phone number (208) 455-2732 as their own, various documents indicated
Main Address
4809 Settlers Ave, Caldwell, ID 83607
Single Family, Attached Garage, 2 spaces, 400 sqft garage
Three bedrooms, Two bathrooms
Lot Size - 6,098 sqft, Floor Size - 1,218 sqft
Parcel ID# 074707540
County: Canyon County
FIPS: 160270210011053
Possible connections via main address - Jose Espinoza, Alicia Navarro
Latitude, Longitude: 43.625425, -116.691977
(208) 455-2732
Possible connections via phone numbers - Patricia Navarro, Jose A Navarro, Miguel Navarro, Alicia Navarro, Gabriel Navarro, Hugo Navarro
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name.
To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Ruperto Navarro . Here are the most common misspellings for Navarro: Navaro, Avarro, Mavarro, Nabarro, Nevarro, Nauarro, Novarro, Navarra, O'navarro, Navarr, Nararro, Navrro, Anavarro, Navarrojr