Samantha Grape
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 resultsNovember 30, 1992 is the birth date of Samantha. Samantha is thirty-one years old. The residency of Samantha is at 1238 32nd Str, Fort Madison, IA 52627-3549. We assume that Sky Drummond and Corye E Grape were among seven dwellers or residents at this place. (319) 372-9258 (Qwest Corp) is the only phone number Samantha has. Corye E Grape, Lori D Grape were identified as possible owners of the phone number (319) 372-9258
- 1238 32nd St, Fort Madison, IA 52627
- Single Family, Attached Garage, Detached Garage, 720 sqft garage
- Six bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms
- Lot Size - 0.28 acres, Floor Size - 1,296 sqft
- Parcel ID# 024715053570080
- County: Lee County
- FIPS: 191114902003042
- Possible connections via main address - Corye E Grape
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.62509, -91.352636
- (319) 372-9258
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Corye E Grape, Lori D Grape
1816 Maple Avn, Easton, PA 18040-8123 is where Samantha resides. Another individual associated with this address is John J Lamond. Samantha is the owner of phone number (908) 652-1177 (New Cingular Wireless Pcs, LLC)
- 1816 Maple Ave, Easton, PA 18040
- County: Northampton County
- FIPS: 420950171013017
- Possible connections via main address - John J Lamond
- Latitude, Longitude: 40.716254, -75.242934
- (908) 652-1177
- Possible connections via phone numbers - Eric M Felter
Possible Surnames
The person you are searching for may be listed under a different name. To help you, we've analysed the most common alternative last names (AKA) associated with Samantha Grape . Here are the most common misspellings for Grape: Elledge Grapes, Elledgegrapes, Elledgegrape, Elled Grapes, Dearringer, Begman, Elledge-grapes
- Samantha Grapes
- Samantha Grupe
- Samantha Rape
- Samantha Hamm
- Samantha Elledge
- Samantha Dearinger
- Samantha Timmons
- Samantha Rodgers
- Samantha Horton
- Samantha Bergman
- Samantha Rogers
- Samantha Grates
- Samantha Cannon
- Samantha Roger
- Samantha Marks
- Samantha Graff
- Samantha Grace
- Samantha Rich