1974-06-30 is the birth date of Tereasa. Tereasa is fifty. Tereasa is also known as Teresa A Touchstone, Tereasa Sanchez, Tereasa A Touchstone, Tereasa A Gillum, Tereasa Touchstone, Teresa A Gillum, Treasa A Gillum, Tereasa Jones, Teresa Touchstone, Tereasa Ann Jones, Tereasa A Jones. Tereasa is currently living at 16369 Looney Rd, Pea Ridge, AR. Bryan W Jones and Travis J Jones are the persons who are associated with this address. Records show that Tereasa also lived at 627 N Morgan Rd, Turlock, CA 95380. Tereasa’s address history includes residences in Pea Ridge, AR and Rogers, AR and other US cities. There’s evidence that a minimum of four other people lived with Tereasa at the past addresses, such as Charles Gillum, Patricia C Ruth, Arthur Harold. Tereasa owns the following phone numbers: (479) 544-5478 (Leap Wireless Intl, Inc), (479) 451-0079 (Centurytel Nw ArrusselvlLeap Wireless Intl, Inc). Various documents link the phone number (479) 451-0079 to different owners — Kenneth Tucker, Charles Gillum, Sanwanya S Harris, Gladis Baker, Charles Gillum, Joe Chappelle. There is a chance that the phone number (479) 544-2075 is shared by Jill V Jones, Bryan W Jones, Charles Gillum, Travis J Jones. We’re aware of one PO box associated with Tereasa: P.O. Box 4, Pineville, MO 64856-0004. [email protected], [email protected] are Tereasa’s possible email addresses
217 Inslee Pl, Elizabeth, NJ is where Tereasa resides. Maria Barros, Antonio F Montes, and three other persons spent some time in this place. Tereasa is the owner of phone number (908) 415-6241 (Cellco Partnership)