DUI & DWI Defense Attorneys

Consult A DUI/DWI Attorney

It’s important that you understand your rights, the possible penalties you may be facing and the options you may have for fighting the charges against you.
Your rights say that you are innocent until proven guilty. A local defense lawyer can defend your rights, so that simply being charged doesn't lead to a conviction.
Consult a local Attorney who is qualified to consult with you about your case.
Don't delay, time can be a very important factor in determining the outcome of your case.
DUI Attorneys and Information:
If you’re like most people facing DUI charges, you don’t know a lot about the workings of the criminal court system and are unsure what to expect.
DUI charges can’t be taken lightly. Many states have imposed mandatory jail time for even first-time offenders, and the additional costs and penalties associated with a DUI conviction can be serious as well: probation, mandatory drug and alcohol counseling, installation of an ignition interlock device on your car, expensive high-risk insurance requirements and much more.
To learn more about the possible penalties for a DUI in your state and how you may be able to protect yourself, talk to a local DUI lawyer.
Talk to a local DUI lawyer as soon as possible to gather important information such as:
  • What penalties do you face if convicted of DUI?
  • What are the indirect penalties, such as increased insurance rates and diminished job opportunities?
  • Does your state have a mandatory ignition interlock device law?
  • Was your breathalyzer or blood alcohol content (BAC) test properly administered?
  • When and how can you get your driver’s license reinstated?
It’s easy to make mistakes under pressure, so make sure that you have the information you need to make good, educated decisions during this process.
Consult A DUI / DWI Attorney

Last updated on April 09, 2024